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Classes and HelpGetting Started – from; page includes links on how to begin your research, research analysis (including “Rookie Mistakes”) and other helpful resources. Online Genealogy Classes @ Research Series Classes Online – beginning research course for other countires, including England, provided by Researching Your Family Tree – a free interactive tutorial One young reader, Ben Johnson, while working on his Genealogy badge for the Boy Scouts, discovered a site that he thought others might find useful: Video Editing Tips for Family History Videos by certstaffix training. Thanks for the tip, Ben, and good luck with your family research! Free DownloadsHow To, Help, and Handouts from the Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Group (CFA President Jim Light is a member.) Charts, Forms and Other Research Tools from
Encyclopedias, Wikis, – Website of Arlene H. Eakle, PhD, a professional genealogist, with some free content, research tips, blogs for KY, NY, TN & VA, and more Encyclopedia of Genealogy – “a free-content encyclopedia created by its readers” Familypedia – “This Wiki is designed to let people create and improve articles about their ancestors and to help find and link records and relatives.” Family Search Research Wiki – “Free family history research advice for the community, by the community”
WeRelate – “world’s largest genealogy wiki with . . . over 2,000,000 people and families”
NetworkingGenealogy Wise – a social network for genealogists Country-Specific AssistanceThroughout the CFA website, we have provided much information about external resources that can be helpful in researching your ancestors who immigrated to the “United States of America”, both before the Revolutionary War and after. Since our membership is primarily USA or UK based, we haven’t devoted much space for helping you to find ancestors from other geographies. This section will include links to resources that might be relevant to that research. If you have experience with researching countries outside of the US and UK, please send an email to the CFA with the country that you were researching and a link to a useful page. IrelandOur first entry comes to us from Ben Johnson and his mother, Jenny, who found this website while researching his Irish ancestors. He hopes you find it helpful when you are looking for your Irish family members.