Contact the CFA Officers

Constitution and By-Laws

Visit the Newsroom for promotional materials

In mid-1990, five Chandler descendants from different geographical locations connected and determined to form an association to facilitate research of their Chandler heritage. On January 1, 1991, a charter and by-laws were adopted by some 30 charter members of The Chandler Family Association. Current membership is over 500. Read more about the early history of the CFA.

The Chandler Family Association and its officers maintain historical and genealogical information on thousands of Chandler descendants. The CFA Lineages Database (CFALD) serves as a valuable tool for research. The database already contains more than 91,000 records of Chandler individuals from around the world; it will grow – and grow more valuable – as more Chandler descendants participate in the group‘s research efforts.

In recent years our membership has spread across the globe, and we have an active outreach program. The CFA currently has members in 12 countries:

Australia Canada Costa Rica
England Guernsey New Zealand
Scotland South Africa Taiwan
United States Wales  

It has been estimated there may be as many as 150 genetically-distinct Chandler families (GDC families) in existence. The CFA believes members of those GDCs will make most genealogical progress by interaction and research amongst themselves. A few such groups already exist, with members communicating and cooperating via email. The association aims to provide support to such groups. Operating as Chapters of the association, these GDC groups are offered the ability to take advantage of the association’s infrastructure and standards, while focusing on research of their own genetic Chandler ancestry.

You can learn how GDC families are identified on our Chandler DNA Project page. If you are unsure where you fit into the overall Chandler picture, our Genealogy Panel will try to help you. Contact the Genealogy Panel by email at or visit the Genealogy Panel web page for more information.

The CFA Newsletter, published three times a year, helps keep members up-to-date with advances in research and Chandler DNA Project results. The Newsletter often includes articles written by members about their families or their personal research journeys. Collections of past newsletters are available from the CFA’s Publications page.

About the CFA Web Site

The content of this website is a collaborative effort of the CFA officers and members. Some content was imported from previous website versions. Your suggestions for making our website better will be welcomed by the web editor. Your photos, queries, lineages (members only), and suggested links are solicited. Email  .

The CFA web site was redesigned in the summer of 2008. The banner heading and the graphic at the top of the button column use a font called Adelon Light. The text in the body of the pages is Georgia, which displays equally well on PCs and Macs. All email addresses on this website are encoded for your security. After many years of hosting by CFA founding member Wayne D. Chandler, the site was moved to in October 2011 and the new domain name,, was implemented.

The latest version of the website was a migration from the older HTML technology to utilize the WordPress framework.  This was completed in May 2018.