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Shipping is included in all prices. Different prices for each item are given for shipping within the USA and for international shipping. Please choose the price (clearly indicated) that is appropriate for your shipping location: USA or international. Even if you do not have a PayPal account, you can use your credit card in a PayPal transaction. If you have questions or need help, please contact Claudia at
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CFA tote with embroidered logo
$15 within the USA
$18 for international orders
Choose USA or international shipping and the appropriate price. |
CFA T-shirt
$10 within the USA
$12 for international orders
Choose your size and the appropriate price for either USA or international shipping. |
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CFA Publications
See CFA Publications page for more details |
Non-member prices below include a one-year complimentary membership in The Chandler Family Association and three issues of The Chandler Family Association Newsletter. If you order more than one item in the Publications section, you should only pay the non-member price once and then pay the member’s price for any additional items. Non-acceptance of the complimentary membership will not reduce the non-member price of the publications you order. International shipping adds $3 to every transaction.
All 4 Newsletter CDs below – Special pricing for the 4 CD collection! |
CFA Collected Newsletters 2016-2020 CD |
CFA Collected Newsletters 2011-2015 CD |
CFA Collected Newsletters 2006-2010 CD |
CFA Newsletters on CD
includes Volumes I, II and III
(1992-2005) |
My Family Tree booklet
$2.50 for non-members within the U.S., $3.50 for international mail. Note: The non-member price provision does not apply when you are only ordering My Family Tree.CFA members may receive this booklet at no cost by contacting Helen Chandler at 901-355-5614 or by email  |
Helpful Shopping TipsWhen you click “Add to Cart,” a Shopping Cart will open in a new window of your browser. At the top-right of the Shopping Cart page there is a link to “Continue Shopping” and at the lower right, below the Order Summary, is the “Checkout” area. If you click on the “Continue Shopping” button you should be returned to this page (based on your browser settings, you may be informed that the site that you’re on is trying to close this tab and asks if you would like to close the tab). You can return to the Shopping Cart by clicking one of the “View Cart” buttons on this page. If you have questions or need help, please contact Claudia at
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