217 Genealogy Panel cases were logged in 2012. Full details from each case are on file and can be requested from
CFALD refers to the CFA Lineages Database. CFALD reports were shared with inquirers when appropriate, and DNA testing suggested if a suitable subject is available. Rows shaded gray at top indicate cases which have been carried over from 2011. CFA membership was encouraged for each inquirer.
“New” in member column indicates the inquirer joined the CFA about the same time their query was submitted to the GP or as a result of the GP’s efforts. CFALD refers to the CFA Lineages Database. DNA Group Number in bold indicates an actual DNA testee or close relative of testee. DNA Group Number with a question mark (?) indicates a supposition of genetic group.
Visit the Chandler Family Association website at ChandlerFamilyAssociation.org for information about the Genealogy Panel, the Chandler DNA Project, the Genetic Chandler Families, and more.
Allen (Allan) Chandler (b 4-10-1812,
d. 1887) married Temperance Davenport? They lived in The Ware Place, South Carolina (first called Chandler, South Carolina), and ran the Chandler School. Allen’s son was John W.
Chandler, who married Mary Jane (Molly) Mattison. What is Allen’s ancestry?
Panel and several researchers have discussed
this case at length and correspondence continues.
William Chandler born 1790, possibly married to Elizabeth, had sons Robert born 1811 and Joseph born 1812. Came to McNairy County, TN. William left NC between 1820-1830. He had 16 kids. Robert had 20!
Not able to find these people in CFALD. Advised inquirer to seek a male Chandler relative for a DNA test.
John Chandler, g-grandson of John born 1600, is the subject of this query. We have tracked back to a John born in 1752. His father may have been John born in 1729.
The “JRR John” line (genetic Chandler family 7A) includes John born 1600 in England Robert 1629 – 1669 VA Robert 1654 – 1720 VA John 1690/1 – 1747 VA John 1718 – 1776 > John Allen born 1757 no descendants known. This is
not the same line as John Chandler born 1752 in Lunenburg Co, VA whose ancestry we have as William born VA 1654 – 1729 William born 1675 William 1696 – 1748 William born 1728 New Kent Co, VA John
born 1752 Lunenburg Co, VA (genetic Chandler family 2). We do not have a John Chandler born in 1729. More information requested, but nothing further from inquirer.
A. B. Chandler (1840 – 1923) from Vermont was a
telegrapher in the War Dept. during the Civil War. We have his journals from 1859-1920. Was he a member of Chandler family 9?
Albert Brown Chandler was not only a telegrapher during the Civil War, but also became very successful in the telegraphy business and was president of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company from 1879 to 1882. He was a member of genetic group #9, descendants of William and Annis Chandler who migrated from Hertfordshire, England, to Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1637. Nothing further from inquirer.
Lax / Lacks / Locks family from Halifax County, VA, intermarried with Chandlers.
Will of William Chandler mentions his “daughter Susanna(h?) who married William Lax.” William Lax’s (1727-1783) will mentions his wife Susanna
Chandler. Christening records exist of Susanna and her father William Chandler from St. Peter’s Parish Church. Is William the son of Robert Chandler, Jr., of New Kent County?
A document indicates Susanna was the sister of Frederick Chandler. William Lax and Susanna had sons named Joel and Timothy. Apparently, William Chandler, his 3rd wife and his son Frederick (Susanna’s half-brother) moved
to Halifax County by the 3rd quarter of the 18th
century. William and Susanna’s son Timothy fought and died in the Revolution.
CFALD confirms that Timothy was Susannah’s brother and Frederick her half-brother. We asked for a copy of the Chandler christening records from St Peter’s Parish church. Susannah’s father William (1693-1779) was the son of Robert Chandler (1654-1720), grandson of Robert b abt 1629-1669 and great-grandson of John Chandler b 1600 in England. The younger Robert married Elizabeth Palmer (b abt 1664 King William Co., VA, died 1745).
Daniel Chandler was born VA, probably about 1760 to 1770. Inquirer provided PDF with two generations of Daniel’s descendants.
Upon request, inquirer sent a GEDCOM file and replied: Daniel Chandler, the son of Joel, who died in Granville County NC about 1798 is not
the same person as my Daniel who died in 1843 or 1844 in Grainger County, TN. My Daniel Chandler was living in Franklin County, VA, as late as 1800 and was on a tax list in Grainger County, TN by 1814.
CFALD indicates Daniel is a descendant of John Chandler b 1600. Lineage: John Robert Robert Joell Joel Daniel. We provided excerpt on
Daniel from “Chandlers in the American Revolution” special edition of the CFA newsletter.
Chandler’s ancestry is a knotty problem that will require a great deal of
unraveling. We are unable to solve it at this time. CFALD has a Thomas
Chandler, son of Daniel Chandler and his first wife whose name is unknown, who married Hannah Fletcher on 27 August 1818, the date you specified. We have his birth year as 1796, the year before Daniel’s marriage to Margaret Roan(e).
James Chandler (1790), Sevier, TN William B Chandler (1820-1860) John Kiker Chandler
(1852-1948) Ollie D’Esther Chandler
(1895-1985).Which genetic family is
Male Chandler cousins have tested as genetic Chandler family #8. You will find reference in the USA section to DNA testee #58353, who shares part of inquirer’s lineage. DNA places your Chandlers clearly
within genetic family 8, but when we look at the Chandlers who are said to be your earlier ancestors they are also claimed by a different genetic family. We hope to resolve the conflict in the future.
Violet Chandler and her siblings were orphaned in
1899. At some point Violet went to Wales, where she married in 1918. Is there any way to find out more?
England and Wales censuses for 1911 do not include anyone resembling your 16 year-old Violet/Vinie/Viny/Viney. The man she would marry (in Wales in 1918) is still living in Reading in 1911. Possibly she was in service to someone who was not careful about recording employees on census returns. Unable to help further.
James Chandler Hughes was born Oct 17, 1841 in Chistlehurst, Kent. He was baptized Nov. 7, 1841 in Chistlehurst Parish Church. His mother was Charlotte. Father’s name unknown. On James’s marriage certificate he states his father was a carman named Charles. James passed away Nov. 30, 1921 in St. Pancras, London. He married
Caroline Skinner June 3, 1869 in St. John’s
Church, Waterloo, Surrey. Caroline was born Aug. 1, 1848, to Thomas Skinner and Maria
Winter in Walworth, Surrey. Inquirer has
1861, 71, 81, 91 and 1901 census for James Chandler Hughes. Inquirer asks, “Could you please help me in some way to figure out where the ‘Chandler’ came from?”
Customarily when an unmarried woman gave a surname as the second forename of a child at baptism, she was expressing her belief that that was the surname of the father. Sometimes she would give an even clearer signal using the first forename of the alleged father as well. In this case we know that James Hughes stated that his father’s name was Charles. The civil birth registration of James Hughes in the 4th quarter of 1841 did not include Chandler as a second forename. A small correction – the place name is Chislehurst.
In the 1851 census, we found a Charles
Chandler age 37, no recorded occupation, living in and born in Crayford (only a few miles from Chislehurst). He is lodging in the home of George Farman, a fishmonger aged 35, born Crayford, and his family. Charles Chandler was not found in the 1841 Census, but on examining the Crayford entries in that census we found a number of people named Farman and Foreman and several named Chandler and Shindler (an uncommon variation of Chandler). Two households include both Chandlers in Faremans, further evidence of close relationships between Chandler and Far(e)man families.
Henry and Ann Chantler (Chantler and Chandler were regularly
interchanged in Kent) had son Charles baptised at Crayford on 21 April 1811, almost certainly the Charles Chandler who was living with George Farman in 1851. It is likely that this Charles Chandler, son of Henry and Ann Chantler, was the father of James Chandler Hughes.
Joseph Chandler (b Feb 4, 1724/25 in New
Kent, VA and d. Sep 28, 1805 in Caswell,
NC) who married Nancy Ann Atchison – a descendant of this couple is a family finder (FTDNA) match. Inquirer’s brother had Y-DNA test (67 markers) and also FTDNA. Lineage
provided by inquirer: John Chandler b 1600 ENG Robert Chandler b c 1629 VA Robert Chandler b 1654 VA William Chandler b 1693 VA Robert
Chandler b 1729 VA John Chandler b 1754 VA Orrill Chandler Robert Tunstall Robert Lee “Bob” James H. Chandler. Inquirer has documentation for John Chandler and Caty Tunstall and for John Chandler marrying Caty Irby.
Response from inquirer: “If your John never married either of the two Caty’s then I now know for sure that he was not my John.”
CFALD has James and Nancy, but her maiden name in CFALD is spelled Atkinson. Of course it is possible that Nancy’s name was indeed
Atchison. CFALD reports were sent for ancestors of Orrill and descendants of his father John. Provided contact information for a researcher with Robert Chandler born 1729 as a common ancestor and invited inquirer to exchange information with him.
New member was contacted asking for lineage. He responded with lineage that disagreed with CFALD.
Reports from CFALD were sent and collaboration invited. Probable lineage: JRR Joell Chandler b 1683 VA Robert Chandler b 1720 VA Bailey Chandler b 1751 VA Robert Chandler b 1775 NC Robert Bailey Chandler b 1820 GA Alonzo Harris Chandler b1856 Eron Jesse Chandler b 1899
Thompson Chandler b 1811 Sylvester Eugustus Paris Chandler b 1849 Arthur Paris Chandler b 1873 Martha Ellen Chandler b 1917 Sara(h) Patricia Tinsley New member provided ancestry, believing she was in Group 7A but the generations of which she was certain are members of Group 11.
Provided reports from CFALD, pointed inquirer to Group 11 page
on website, and invited her to bring this family up to date in our
Inquirer sent ancestry back to James Chandler b 1761 NC, and proposed that someone in the past confused John W Anthony and John Coley Anthony, plus picked up Reuben Anthony b 1848 (married Yarborough, with daughter Paralee). Reuben Anthony b 1848 is listed in John W Anthony’s 1860 Jackson Co., GA, household.
“It looks as if Reuben Anthony is from the Anthony/Davis line, rather than the Anthony/Chandler line. I do not believe Reuben Anthony is a Chandler descendant.”
Inquirer’s mother was in CFALD so reports were sent. Lineage in CFALD: John Robert Robert Joseph Joseph James M. born 1761 NC Elizabeth Chandler b 1798 GA Martin C Anthony b1833 GA George Washington Anthony b1861 Susan Anthony b1891 Betty JordanCorrections from inquirer have been added to CFALD.
Calvin Conant Chandler of Chandlersville, OH,
married Eliza Ann Hale, b 1820 in Pennsylvania.
Inquirer wants information about Eliza Ann and her parents.
Calvin C. Chandler was a descendant of EdmundChandler b c 1588, a member of the Pilgrim Fathers who were harried out of England by King James, spent some time in Leiden,
Holland, and migrated to the New World. Unable to find Eliza’s
John Chandler, b in 1863 probably MA, married Lucy Brigham Foster in 1888.
This John Chandler descends from William and Annis Chandler who migrated from Hertfordshire, England in 1637 and settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts.
James A. Chandler, unknown dob or dod, born in TX Edgar James Chandler b Jan 11, 1879 TX d. 1925, Washington AR Harvey Stephen Chandler b Jan 10, 1905 Eureka Springs, AR d. Oct 9, 1991 Fayettville AR Edgar James Chandler b Apr 28, 1924, Eureka Springs, AR
Edgar James Chandler states in more than one census record that his father was born GA, not TX. James A. Chandler’s census record for 1880 also says he was born GA. Without more information no connection could be made in CFALD. After collaboration, the following lineage was listed: ? Chandler b SC James A. Chandler b TX Edgar James Chandler b 1879 TX (or GA) Harvey Stephen Chandler b 1905 AR Edgar James Chandler b 1924 AR
Richard Chandler b abt 1765 VA John Chandler b 1813 TN James Clark Chandler b 1857 TN Robert
Roy Chandler b 1891 TN Ray Jones Chandler b 1918 TX. Would like to make
Because your DNA is known to belong to Group 7A, we should link your Richard Chandler (b 1765 VA d abt 1834 Blount Co, TN) to a
Group 7A father in CFALD. However, an earlier researcher has that Richard as the 12th child of Isaac 1732-1797, and some other descendants of that Isaac have DNA-tested into a different group (#2). It is possible that a Chandler family hundreds of years ago adopted one or more orphaned. An adopted male child would be the progenitor of a new genetic Chandler family. If we find Group 2 DNA
Chandlers in England, that will indicate adoption is unlikely and the lineage of American Group 2 has been incorrectly researched. CFALD now attributes 7A DNA to Richard and all his Chandler descendants
but does not link Richard to any parent.
Judah Chandler, b 13 Aug 1720 in Duxbury,
MA, was the son of Joseph Chandler and Martha Hunt. There are accounts of his participation in the battle to capture the British ship Margaretta
at Machias, ME, but nothing to prove his militia
Fold3, formerly known as Footnotes, did not have a record of Judah’s military service. Without government military records, the case must be built through records showing Judah participated in opposing the British. It appears that citizens, including Judah, from Machias and nearby towns were not part of organized militia and that they spontaneously went after the Margaretta. Several websites about the Margaretta and Machias were shared.
William Burns was born 1756 in Halifax, VA;
his wife, Nancy Chandler was born April 22, 1761 in VA. Her parents were Joel Chandler born ca. 1740 in Henrico,
VA, died Nov. 1800 in NC, and Jane __. There are Revolutionary War records for a Joel Chandler and DAR records for a Joel Chandler of NC.
CFALD indicates Nancy Chandler born April 22, 1761, daughter of Joel born 1740, did not marry William Burns. The Nancy Chandler (born 1772) who married a William Burn(e)s was the daughter of William Chandler born 1730. Sent CFALD reports on the William Chandler line and invited more discussion.
Maternal grandfather: Henry Lafayette Chandler
b1887 Texas – 1905 California.
Parents of Henry Lafayette Chandler were John L Chandler born AR in 1853 who married Frances, a Texas girl, about 1883.
Inquirer has a small red book from the 1850s-60s called “Boquet Album,” filled with notes, poems and drawings for Rebecca A. Lunbeck. The authors of the notes include her (sibling?) Sam,
friends Sallie Blain, Molly from Piketon Ohio, Millie, Bell, Maggie, Sue and other various names.
The cities listed include Chillicothe, Kingsville,
and Piketon Ohio. In between the pages was an obituary for Mrs. Alice Johnston who lived in Philadelphia but was a long time resident of Springfield and Kansas City, Missouri. A letter from Rebecca Lunbeck was found online: //tinyurl.com/d5gocwp
This family is Group 7B in the Chandler DNA Project and is called “the George & Jane line.” They left Wiltshire in England with their family (except their eldest son) for the New World in 1687. Sarah Chandler Blaine born 1838 is the Sally Blaine to whom Rebecca A Lunbeck 1828-1907 wrote. Sally married Stephen Slone in 1865. We are unable to see any relationship between Rebecca and her rather younger correspondent Sally. Sam is a sibling (as you suggested) – i.e. her
brother Samuel Gibson Lunbeck 1831-1871; Bell could be her sister Isabella Jane born 1823; and Sue could be Susan formerly Carson, who married Rebecca’s brother William Henry.
Whitfield Chandler (b Oct 1782 VA; d 22 Feb 1874Abingdon, Knox, IL) and Jesse Chandler (b 19 Dec 1813 in Springfield, Fayette, IN; d 21 Jul 1893 Terre Haute, Henderson, IL – was Whitfield was Jesse’s father? The 1810 Census from German
Township, Springfield, PA, shows Whitfield Chandler married, with two daughters between the ages of 0-5 years of age. This was 3 years before Jesse was born in Springfield, Fayette, PA.
The hypothesis that Jesse was the son of Whitfield is quite plausible, but we could not find proof. The New FamilySearch (NFS) system of the
LDS Church does show Jesse as the son of Whitfield. We suggested inquirer follow up with the contributors. NFS shows Jesse had a brother Alfred 1810-1876, which fits with Whitfield’s family adding two children under 10 in the decade 1810-1820 according to censuses. Information from NFS should be validated by inquirer.
William Chandler married Lucy Lambert Hale in 1874, as related in “Killing Lincoln” by Dugard
& O’Reilly. Is this William Chandler in the George and Jane Chandler lineage? Lucy Lambert was formerly John Wilkes Booth’s fiancée.
Panel believes this was William Eaton Chandler. Neither WEC nor
his father Nathan S Chandler appear in the George and Jane lineage, nor do they appear in the other two major lines – descendants of Edmund Chandler of Duxbury MA and of William & Annis Chandler of Roxbury MA. The line of Roger Chandler of Concord
was also checked, again without success. There are a number of trees online which include WEC and his father NSC, but none which ascend any higher. Encyclopedia Britannica has “William Eaton Chandler (born Dec 28, 1835 Concord NH- died Nov 30 1917 Concord),
American Politician and Republican Party official who played a major role in swinging the disputed 1876 presidential election to Rutherford B Hayes.” Rutherford Hayes was himself a descendant of William & Annis via Chloe Chandler, his great grandmother. There seems to be no family connection.
James Chandler had sons Paul and Berman. Paul’s son was Jimmy, and Berman’s son was Bobby. Inquirer believes there is a connection to “Happy” Chandler.
Happy Chandler and those in his family are members of Genetic Chandler Family #4. Inquirer was pointed to the Group 4 story
on the website, especially Group 4’s Thomas, who had a son James.
Thomas Chaloner, born 1840 in Wexford, Ireland, was a member ofGenetic Chandler Family #58. Before he emigrated from Ireland he was known as Thomas Chaloner.
Genetic family #58 is definitely the line to which you refer. We had did research for a descendant named Challoner in Ireland,
and we were able to put him in touch with an American descendant. This inquirer was already in touch with the Irish correspondent.
Thomas Chandler b abt 1838 is believed to be from the Reding, Berkshire, area in England.
Thomas was perhaps a sailor, sea captain, or a ship merchant. Chandler cousin has taken DNA test at Ancestry – can those results be translated to FTdna?
We responded with information on a couple of possible candidates for this Thomas Chandler and asked for more information on inquirer’s lineage and also info on possible matches about which he wrote. Inquirer belongs to Group 7 but don’t know which sub-group just yet.
New member submitted lineage and asked questions about DNA result.
We had concerns about the lineage presented by this new member. A report from CFALD was sent. Adjusted lineage: John Robert Robert Joseph James> Shadrack Jedediah William Mackey James Augustus James E. Dewitt
Hannah Chandler b abt. 1756, in England – her
marriage to John Taylour (Taylor) at Rotherfield, Sussex, England on 12-23-1779 is the first
record of her. Her children are: John, Joseph, Jesse, George, David, William and Ann Taylor. Children were all baptized at St. Deny’s Church in
Rotherfield. Jesse Taylor, son of Hannah and John, and wife Elizabeth came to NY in 1835. Family history tells the Taylor family was from primarily Kent and Sussex.
Weald Ancestry forum says John Taylor married Hannah Chandler at St. Deny’s, but John’s father is listed as Nicholas.
Extracts of English parish records show that Hannah Chandler and John Taylour were married on 24 December 1779 at Rotherfield. There was a baptism of a Hannah Chandler, daughter of Edward and
Ann(ie) Chandler at Speldhurst on 26 July
1767. The birth of Hannah Ann Chandler occurred on 23 February 1766. If this is your Hannah, she would have been nearly 14 at the time of her marriage. She had a sister Sarah who was christened at Speldhurst on 31 July 1768. Their father Edward may well have been the Edward, son of Ward and Mary Chandler, who was christened at Speldhurst on 5 January 1748. Ward could be a diminutive name for Edward.”
William and Maria Chandler married 28 February 1853 in San Francesco. Australian inquirer’s family had always thought they originated in London. Inquirer provided a document with Queensland and New South Wales
births, deaths, and marriages.
We found no trace of the g-g-grandfather’s marriage in San
Francisco in 1853 and cannot find him in the US Federal Censuses of 1850 or 1860. There is no suitable William Chandler in the 1852 California State Census. There was a servant surnamed Chandler with no recorded forename, aged 33, born in England and living in San Francisco, having previously lived in London. This would bear out the English link. However, he is recorded as a Negro. It is not clear from the census record for whom he was a servant.
New member submitted following Group 7A lineage: John Robert Robert Joell Joel Chandler
John Chandler William Boyd Chandler William Taylor Chandler Jesse W. Chandler Jesse Ray Chandler.
After several email exchanges, this line was found in CFALD with some differences in names. Corrected lineage: John Robert Robert Joell
Joel John B Chandler b 1775 William Bryce “Long Bill” Chandler b
1820 William H. Taylor Chandler b 1848 Jesse B Chandler b 1894
Jesse Ray Chandler b 1927
Bedfordshire/Buckinghamshire in the UK
seem to be inquirer’s Chandler origins but stem from an unmarried Sophia Chandler who had a son, Zinna Hitchcock Chandler. DNA may be
Hitchcock rather than Chandler.
We agree that records indicate Zinna would not have Chandler DNA
and suggested searching for a descendant of one of Sophia’s brothers or
uncles for DNA testing. Help was offered with this effort, but nothing further from inquirer.
Frances Alexandra Chandler b c. 1834 in OH (possibly in/near Henry County, Liberty Township) married George Carver b 1812-14 in NY. He was a Civil War Captain or Major (1st wife: Margaret + 2/3 sons) In c. 1863-4, they lived in Texas, OH (believed in/near Henry
County). There were three daughters: Cora, Anna, and Daisy Luella who married Frederick Gordon Ellinwood, Sr. Frances’ father was Philo Chandler from Vermont; mother was ? Green from Pennsylvania.
Panel responded with questions and suggestions for further research;
William Chandler (born 1693 in New Kent County, VA; died 1779 in Halifax County, VA) – Inquiry from 2011 brought forward to provide reports from CFALD to descendant of above William Chandler who plans to submit GEDCOM for CFALD.
Three CFALD reports were sent and more were offered if needed.
John Chandler b 1600 had a son by the name of Robert Chandler. Is there proof of this?
There is no ABSOLUTE proof that Robert was a son of John Chandler. CFA has accepted the research findings of Joe Chandler, who assembled a substantial body of circumstantial evidence published in a series of articles in “Tidewater Virginia Families.”
James Forest Chandler of Arkansas – searching
for his ancestors. He and his brother left home around turn of the century. The brother (name unknown) was killed by a bear on the journey. James ended up in Texas, married, and had five children.
A Texas death record was found for James Forest Chandler (born 1874 in Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., AR), son of “Isace” born TN. Various census
records show Isaac as born AR or TN, with a wife Rochia or Rodisa (possibly Rhoda Saffin or Saffire Crouse who married Issac L or T Chandler 1855 in Dallas County, AR). Some sources have this Issac as the son of Parks Chandler. This line has caused controversy for years.
William Chandler (1617 – 1701) – Inquirer provided her descent from this William by his daughter Hester, m. Gage, and her daughter Naomi, m. Bedford.
Either a paper trail to determine William of Newbury’s ancestry is non-existent on this side of the Atlantic or has not been found. Some ancestry.com trees incorrectly claim William of Newbury is the son of William and Annis Chandler of Roxbury. The best way to determine ancestry is to f a candidate for the DNA Project.
Daniel Dial Chandler (b 1783, d 1843 Sumter District, SC) – looking for confirmation his father
is either Samuel or Lt. Thomas Chandler.
We have Daniel Dial’s father as Thomas Chandler 1755-1818, and we have the father of that Thomas as Samuel 1733-1786. Some Group 5 participants claim Samuel’s father was John born 1697 in NC, but that John is claimed by a different DNA Group, so we have not put that link into our records.
William Chandler, great-grandfather, lived in Welling, Kent, probably
around the 1880’s/1890’s. He migrated to Capetown, SA, and there married Louisa Eckard. They are the parents of Raymond Chandler born 22 June 1896. Inquirer has searched English census records and cannot see William recorded.
A William Chandler aged 27, so born about 1863, a miner, left England for Cape Town aboard the Duart Castle on 18 March 1890. A William Chandler aged 33, so also born about 1863, a clerk, left London for Cape Town aboard the Maori, whose ultimate destination was New Zealand,
on 10 June 1896. These two could have been the same man at different stages of his life. Information from English census records was also provided and asked inquirer several questions to facilitate research.
Levi Chandler born in 1802 and lived in Mitchell County, NC, had a daughter Jane Caroline who married a Cox. A will indicates Levi’s parents were John and Elizabeth Chandler.
We have part of the story and plenty of questions to inspire additional
research. Levi Presley Chandler born 1802, with parents John and Elizabeth, is in CFALD. Searching for Elisha Chandler born 1732 (Levi’s ancestor according to CFALD) in our newsletter archives, we found an article about “Toe River Valley Chandlers.” Returning to CFALD with information from the article, we found Elisha Chandler born 1721 – but descendants of Elisha and the ancestry of Levi do not currently connect in the database. Possibly you can help us make that connection – or disprove it. Reports from CFALD and the “Toe River Chandlers” article were provided.
Dow Lorenzo Chandler is great-grandfather. There is Cherokee Indian in the family. The family Bible says Dow’s parents were Indian – one full, the other is 3/4 or ½. Help requested in proving native side.
We cannot provide additional information concerning the ancestry of Jonathan Chandler. You mentioned Little Chandler is thought to be 1/2 to full blood Native American; however, there is no evidence that Little’s mother — Elizabeth Elrod — had Native American heritage. Jonathan would have to be full blood Native American for Little and
his sister Mahala to be half blood, so it appears unlikely that they were 3/4 to full blood. A search of the 1860 Cherokee Census did not disclose any information supporting a connection with your family. A link to a website which specializes in Native American (Indian) genealogy was provided: //www.accessgenealogy.com/native/”
Joel Chandler’s father was Joel Chandler b circa 1685 VA. Is this correct? Do you have other information about this Joel? I am working on a DAR lineage to the second Joel Chandler.
CFALD reports were provided and information from Chandlers in the
American Revolution February 1997 newsletter article. Those researchers did not find any evidence of service in the Revolutionary War by Joel born 1740.
James Milton Chandler was b about
1851 Boston, MA and d 1917 Tolland, MA. His father is James Franklin Chandler b 1884 Tolland, MA and d 1965 Westfield,
MA.Inquirer’s father was David W. Chapman b 1931 Westfield, MA and d in 2005 Bellows Falls,
Panel suggested that James Madison Chandler found in “The Descendants of William and Annis Chandler” fits almost exactly the profile provided and the findings in previous correspondence. Note the name is James Madison Chandler, not James Milton Chandler. DNA testing strongly suggested.
Vivian Ann Chandler (1917-1985) was the daughter of Ernest Matthew Chandler b 1894 in Ansted, WV, and Gladys Martin b 1896 Gatewood. Chandler is in both lines going back to Giles county VA. Gladys Martin’s mother. Flora Vaught from Giles County, VA, was married to William Henry Martin on 10-11-1893 in Mercer County, WV. Her parents are buried in E. E. Cook cemetery (Spruce Run): Rufus Floyd
Vaught (b 4-9-1842 d.2-24-1931) and Elizabeth Hannah Cook Vaught (b 12-6-1850 d. 12-21-1923). Rufus Floyd Vaught is the son of Levi Horsely Vaught and Lucinda CHANDLER Vaught.
Ernest Matthew Chandler was the son of
James M Chandler (born about 1861 in Giles County VA) and Leah A. Thompson. On the marriage record James’ parents are listed as Green and Elisabeth Chandler.
We provided a link for a Rootsweb post made by H. Thomas
Chandler which contained an exhaustive amount of information concerning the Chandler family in question. Other online information seemed to confirm and support the information contained in that Rootsweb post. Supporting information was the following:
Censuses from 1810 through 1940 for Franklin and Giles counties in Virginia and Fayette and Kanawha counties in West Virginia at Ancestry.com
Cemetery info at the Find-A-Grave website
Photocopies of vital records at the official West Virginia government archives website
All of the combined information seemed to support the enquirer’s
belief that she is descended from two lines of Chandlers which had a common ancestor. The combined information seemed to support this conclusion and further identified the probable ancestor as Jesse Chandler who probably died around 1829 in Franklin Co, VA. Links to the online information above were supplied to the enquirer
and a suggestion was made for her to follow up with her own research to ascertain the facts.
Robert Chandler (1761-1831, served 6 years in the Continental Army) was adopted at 16 from unknown Chandlers in Woodstock, CT. Guardianship was awarded at reportedly age 15 to Jedediah Morse (grandfather of Samuel Morse) on 27 July 1776 by Charles Church Chandler, JP in Woodstock, Windham, CT. Robert stayed a year, enlisted in the Continental Army in 1777, and spent the winter in Valley Forge with Washington. He mustered out in 1783 on a medical discharge. He enlisted in the Army again for the War of 1812 as a surgeon and practiced medicine in Gibson, PA, dying there in 1831 and buried in an unmarked grave. In 2004 one of his
descendants found him and got a proper marker erected.The DAR confirmed his service.
DNA testing matched Group 36, descendants of Robert S. Chandler, born Connecticut 1760, died Pennsylvania 1831.
Inquirer and others have speculated that Robert was an unrecorded or even illegitimate child of John Chandler, the “Honest Tory,” since the Guardianship agreement of July 1776, was shortly after John fled to Nova Scotia. John had perhaps as many as 17 children. In addition, Charles Church Chandler, Justice of the Peace handling the guardianship, was Mary Church Chandler’s (second wife of Honest John) nephew, so a connection is possible. Or Robert could have been a favorite indentured servant of the John Chandler family who took the Chandler name. Inquirer plans to collaborate on a family story for the website for Group 36.
Joseph Winfield Chandler (born Newark, NJ,
died 2003 at age 86). Father Joseph was a dentist in Newark and his uncle was Alfred, reputed to
be the dentist to 3 presidents, Truman, Roosevelt and one other. Captain Alfred Chandler Jr. married Nancy Ann Wynn of the Wynn family in Las Vegas. Joseph’s father’s mother was Bessie Chandler, maiden name believed to be White.
We were able to take her lineage back to John W. Chandler who was born in England and immigrated in 1865. Both of his parents were born in England. Inquirer is currently searching for a suitable DNA subject.
Zachariah Chandler (Greenville, SC, and Caldwell County, KY) is in the 1790 census as head of
household with five females. He and his one son and four daughters relocated to Caldwell County, KY, where he died in 1837. His first son was named Josiah, born approx. 1795. His second son by a second marriage to Elizabeth Boyd was Solomon King born in 1823. Census information indicates Zachariah was born between 1771 and 1775. There is a connection with the families of
Timothy, son of Joel, and Solomon King, son of William H. Chandler. Inquirer believes Zachariah was the orphan of one of the casualties of the
Revolutionary War at Fishing Creek, SC: Obediah born 1753 or Joseph born 1749, both sons of Joel. In the published information on these men
killed in action, there were no spouses or children listed. It was suggested by the Caldwell
County historian that the five females could have been survivors of these men. Joel and William
families lived in the Ninety Six District in 1779. Inquirer wrote: “All of the information suggested in the newsletters of the Chandler Association are
incorrect for this Zachariah Chandler especially his marriage to Rachael Thornhill in 1791. I plan a trip to Greenville, SC, to see if I can find any
further information on Zachariah and the men I have listed. Can you guide me in where I should begin my search?”
We explained problems with researching this family, shared the information available, and invited inquirer to cooperate in examining the research relating to Zachariah, his ancestry and descendants.
Iris Chandler is the daughter of John Burton Chandler (1895-1970) and Grace Pearl Green. John is the son of Abraham Edes Chandler (1846-1938) and Dollie Hughes. Abe is the son of John
A.W. Chandler (b abt 1809) and Martha Wells, all of whom lived in Kanawha County, VA/WV.
Abraham is buried in Teays Hill Cemetery
with a Richard C. Chandler and R.C. Chandler that is listed as John’s father elsewhere, undocumented.
We sent reports from CFALD: (1) ancestry report for Abraham Eades Chandler, and (2) descendancy report for John Anthony Wayne Chandler. Also information from newsletter archives.
John Chandler b 1600 ENG Robert Chandler b c 1629 VA Robert Chandler b 1654 VA Joseph Chandler b 1696 VA John Chandler b 1726
VA Richard Chandler b 1749 VA Richard Carter Chandler b 1772 VA John Anthony Wayne Chandler b 1808 WV Abraham Eades Chandler b 1846 WV John Burton Chandler b 1895 Iris Chandler
Larkin Craig Chandler, believed to originally from Illinois, lived in New York and was a wonderful music teacher, a true gentleman and very well liked.
Larkin Craig Chandler not in our database but a look on FamilySearch found possibly the correct one, born 1905. FamilySearch led to CFALD where we found an ancestor, a member of DNA Group
4. Possible lineage: Thomas Chandler b 1725 in New Kent County, VA Thomas Chandler b 1750 in Prince Edward County, VA William Chandler b 1781 in Prince Edward County, VA Thomas Boyd Chandler b 1806 in Nottoway County, VA Edward
Young Chandler b 30 March 1831 in Bedford,
Trimble County, KY Larkin Craig Chandler b 1864 in Gillespie, IL.
Larkin Craig Chandler Jr. born 1905 or 1906 in Salem, MA. Inquirer,
a former music student, has written a memoir about Larkin Craig Chandler for newsletter.
“As a child I remember a bound book of my great grandmother’s family tree. This book began in early 1600’s and ended with my Father and his siblings, The name on the cover was Chandler. The book is long lost and I would like to recover its contents. I thought this could be possible because my great grandmother, Elizabeth Garner was a cousin of John Nance Garner, VP of
the US. Any suggestions?”
Several emails were exchanged and the ECFA consulted. We were never able to pin down the book inquirer is looking for. We suggested it might have been privately published.
William Wood Chandler Jr. of Lyons,
Kansas, was president of the Chandler Bank in that town in the 50s-60s. Inquirer owns a 1953 MG TD which was his originally and is trying to build a history of the car.
We provided this information to Georgia Chandler, a member of the family in question, and suggested that she write to the inquirer.
James Walter Chandler was b 18
Sep 1885 KS. WWI Registration Card, completed in Troutdale, OR, on 12 Sept. 1918,
shows J C Cole of Topeka, KS, as his nearest relative. He is on the 1920 US Census as Jas. W. Chandler with wife Carrie and son Jerome in Yamhill County, OR. Carrie’s birth name is Carrie Luana Brook born in Colville (Stevens) WA. She married James Walter Chandler (age 33) in Vancouver (Clark) WA 5 Oct 1918. They lived in Sandy, OR. She died 10 Dec 1995 in Portland
[Multnomah] OR.
Contact with this inquirer has been lost due to a non-functioning email address.
Robert Chandler b abt 1775 in Norton-Lindsey married Anne Walton in 1800 in Claverdon, Warwickshire, Nov 1800. John Chandler was b 1806 in Claverdon with siblings born in Norton-Lindsey. No birth record can be found for Robert
Chandler, probably born between 1765-1780 (he married in 1800). Lineage proposed by inquirer: Robert Chandler John Chandler b Sept, 1806 in
Claverdon, Warwickshire, England William Chandler b May 24, 1840 in Alveston, Warwickshire, England Henry Chandler b July 28, 1872 in Alveston, Warwickshire, England
Panel responded with a discussion of contacts in England in the same general area and a possible connection with DNA Group 8. Inquirer declined offer to be put in touch with Group 8 Chandlers in England.
Elizabeth Chandler b 1770 and Nancy Chandler b 1795 are both in inquirer’s ancestry.
Chandler b ca 1770 perhaps in Halifax Co, VA, was the daughter of Robert Chandler and Mary Hamblin. Around 1790 she married Lt. John Yates, veteran of the Revolution, in Halifax Co., VA. Robert was the son of William Chandler
and Elizabeth who left a will in Halifax Co., VA, and proven there May, 1779. Her daughter, Christinia Yates, married Rev. William Martin Brown. They lived their married life in Hart County,
Chandler was b ca 1795 perhaps in Halifax Co, Va. She married Peter Perkins there in
1818. They evidently remained in the VA and NC area until ca 1836 when they
emigrated to KY and finally settled in Green
County, KY, ca 1837 (listed in the 1850 Green County, KY, federal census). Nancy’s lineage is
unknown. She and Peter Perkins had the following children: Mariah, Elizabeth, William Jackson, Sarah B, Claiborne Chandler, Nancy, Martha Jane, Peter, John Bales, and George Perkins. These children were born either in Halifax or Caswell, VA; NC; or KY. Since Nancy Chandler and Peter Perkins named one of
their sons Claiborne Chandler Perkins, there may be a connection to the Claiborne Chandler who married Elizabeth Dobson. Do you know of proof of other
CFALD has the spelling of Elizabeth’s married surname as Yeates, as does Annamae Chandler. CFALD report on the descendants of John and Elizabeth Yeates was provided. Inquirer provided some information we did not have. As to the other Chandler line, we don’t have Peter Perkins in CFALD or, apparently, his wife Nancy Chandler. We must remember that Nancy is a pet form of Ann, but that doesn’t help here because we don’t have a suitable Ann, Anne, Annie or Anna either. The name of Claiborne Chandler Perkins does seem a strong clue. CFALD has only the two children of Claiborne Chandler and Elizabeth Dodson (note spelling) – Judith born 1787 and Claiborne born 1793. It seems entirely possible that Claiborne and Elizabeth had other children. Claiborne had a younger sister Nancy born about 1770 so
it is not inconceivable that one of those unrecorded children was your Nancy.
We have not been able to locate a record of the marriage
of Nancy Chandler to Peter Perkins in 1818. If you can provide a source for that, we would be willing to add them and all their descendants to the CFA Lineages Database, attributed to your research and showing a tentative, suitably annotated link of Nancy
as a possible daughter of Claiborne and Elizabeth Dodson. If correct, this would mean that both your Chandler lines descend from John Chandler born 1600 in England who arrived in VA in 1610. Inquirer was put in touch with member with similar lineage.
Mary Linehan Chandler born Trinidad, 1841
Thomas Linehan
Mary B. Vallire
This information from //familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FHGX-C9V Note
both parents have different last names according to this record. According to
various US census records, her parents were either born in England or Spain
It is likely that Mary acquired the surname Chandler by marriage, though we are unable to trace that marriage, anywhere in the world. Both Linehan and Mal(l)oy are typically Irish surnames in origin, and Vallire is typically French, though Mary B Vallire was reportedly born in Madrid, Spain and Thomas Linehan in London, England. The place in North America where people of Irish and French origins are frequently found together is in Eastern Canada, and indeed the 1880 Census says James W Maloy was born in Nova Scotia. That Census shows James’ widowed mother as Mary, whereas the 1865 marriage record has his mother as Susan Conley (another common Irish surname).Nova Scotia Vital Records //novascotiagenealogy.com/
has quite a few Linehans and Malloys, but none seem to relate to your folk. We can find no trace of Mary’s birth in Trinidad.
No clues at the Trinidad & Tobago GenWeb site – //www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ttowgw/.
Lewis P. Hobgood of Hopkins, KY married Mary Ann Chandler. Her father is Washington Chandler who married Letha Morrow. Washington’s parents are John B. Chandler and
Rebecca McVay.
Mary Ann Chandler and Lewis P Hobgood are in CFALD. Ancestry and descendant reports were sent and additions to CFALD were invited. Newsletter with Madonna Mahurin’s article about “Early Chandlers in Hopkins County, KY” was provided.
Eli Chandler, Texas
Ranger — I am interested in information about Captain Eli Chandler. Can you share info about his life and Ranger career? Is the location of his grave known and does he have a headstone?
A link to the Spring 2011 newsletter, with the article “Eli Chandler and the Texas Archive War” by Glenn Chandler, was sent. Also excerpt with information on Eli Chandler from Glenn’s presentation at the 2011 meeting and a report from CFALD showing Eli’s ancestry back to John Chandler born 1600.
John Chandler owned a home (Wheatlands Plantation) in Sevierville, TN. As one of the current owners, I would like to inquire about the family line to this home.
Report from CFALD of the lineage of John Chandler (JRR Joell Timothy) was provided, also a link to a recent newsletter with an article about Wheatlands. Honorary membership was extended to Richard Parker (not a Chandler descendant) as the representative of Wheatlands Plantation.
Grant Chandler is my great-great grandfather. I know he was born on August 1, 1864 and died January 8, 1933. He was
married to Melissa Foster who was born in May of 1868 and she died on July 15, 1951.
After discussing a number of
possible William Chandlers, we wrote: “William who married Melissa or Malisa
Foster was sometimes known as Will, and that ‘Will and Malissa Foster’ had a
child named James Leon on 6
May 1919 in Chattanooga.
That child lived only 10 days and died of “birth weakness”. They
apparently also had Bess(ie) in 1908, Fannie May in 1911, and a son Andy in
1905. Before we go any further we need to hear from you whether you accept
that it was William or Will Chandler who married Melissa or Malisa or Malissa
Foster, and that William G Chandler born NC in 1836 was that William’s
father, and that his second forename was Granison not Grant. William Granison
H Chandler belongs to a line about which we have quite a few questions, and
your descent may help us answer some of those questions. Nothing further.
Dial Chandler born 1 Nov
1783 and died 24
Aug 1843 in Sumter,
SC – can anyone help me with
his ancestry? One of his sons, Joseph Benson Chandler, is my g-ggrandfather.
We have the ancestry of Joseph
Benson Chandler as Daniel Dial Chandler Thomas Chandler 1755 SC Camden –
1818 SC Sumter Samuel Chandler 1733 – 1786 SC Pee Dee. We do not as yet
know the origins of 1733 Samuel. DNA tests of descendants of this line show
it as Genetic Chandler Family #5. When we locate Family #5 DNA Chandlers in England it
may give us the clue Samuel’s origins.
Grafton of the Parish of St Michael in the City & Diocese of Gloucester
batchelor & Martha Chandler of this Parish spinster were Married in this
Church by License 5th February 1795 (Deerhurst parish Gloucestershire UK).”
Their witnesses were Wm Chandler & Elizabeth Chandler who I assume were
her parents. There is a possibility that Wm Chandler was christened in Bristol in 1759 father
Nicolas/ Mother Mary). I assume this only because it is the same county. I am
an Australian who is currently residing in the UK.
and Kent have for a long time been the two English counties most densely
populated with Chandlers.
We know quite a bit about the Chandlers of Gloucestershire, some of whom were
ancestors of Kate Middleton, now the Duchess of Cambridge, and others are
related to the man who founded the Chandler Motor Company, described in the
attached complimentary newsletter.
Laban Shufford
Chandler born Feb 11, 1850
in Cleveland County, NC, and died July 24, 1930, was my great-grandfather. While
his name is unique and easy to find, Grandfather Laban’s father was simply
named John Chandler along with many other John Chandlers. So I’ve been
frustrated by trying to determine which of those Johns is my great-great
Shufford Chandler in CFALD was born Feb 1850. Annamae Barber Chandler refers
to him on pages 64/65 of her “Red Book” (Discovering Chandler Lines
1475-1996 in Tennessee Death Records 1908-1944). L Shuford (one f) Chandler was the spouse
and informant of the death of Angeline J Williams (record 467-11965Wa) aged
75 born 3 Dec 1853
Burnsville NC died 6 Mar 1929. The children of Shuford and Angie
are shown as Chester
born 1881, Fred 1883, Anne 1891, Laban 1893 and Earl 1896. There is no
reference in the book to the parents of Laban Shuford Chandler. The 1850
Census of Cleveland Co, NC has Laban S Chandler aged 6 months born NC in the
home of his parents John (a Millwright aged 36) and Frances (30) both born
NC. CFALD does not have a suitable John and Nancy. Information on graves was
found online and forwarded. DNA Project participation was strongly suggested.
Edward B. Chandler of San Antonio – Photos of
this couple are needed by Morningside Ministries Senior Living Communities, a
faith-based, not-for-profit retirement community in San Antonio, Texas, to which Mr. and Mrs. Chandler donated their estate several years
Panel provided background on the
family and posted a query asking for pictures. Query also posted on Facebook
Group page. Small announcement was inserted in Spring 2012 newsletter. Edward
B Chandler was a descendant of William and Annis Chandler, DNA Group 9. Request
posted on William and Annis website. Note: photos of the estate can be seen
at //chandlerfamilyassociation.org/genealogy/queries/2012-queries/.)
John W. Chandler was
the father of William Parker Chandler b 1822 – all in Barbados.
Inquirer searching for John W Chandler’s parents, more about his wife Mary
and where their ancestors came from.
discussed problems of research in Barbados, discussed and
discounted several possibilities found in research, and strongly suggested a DNA test if a suitable relative can be found.
Joseph Chandler (1755
in Lunenburg County, VA), whose wife was Nancy Turman, is
mentioned on page 167 of the CFA Newsletter
of February 1997, as having served in the American Revolution. I need
confirmation of this service that will satisfy the National Society Daughters
of The American Revolution. I also need information on DNA program.
After a discussion of the Chandler DNA Project,
Panel informed inquirer, whose wife’s most recent male Chandler ancestor was Docktor Franklin
Chandler born 1848, that we already have a participant who descends from
Dock’s brother Daniel Lumpkin Chandler born 1832 and his DNA does match Group 7A. Provided
you can evidence descent from Dock, further DNA testing appears unnecessary. Joseph
Chandler b1755 does not appear to have been verified as a patriot, which
means definitive documentation will be required. Further assistance was
Can Allen Chandler b 1787 NC
and intervening generations be proven as descendants of John Chandler born
1600? Is there a connection between inquirer’s line and Gray Chandler buried in Friendship Cemetery,
Columbus, MS? Are any of her Chandler ancestors eligible as a DAR ancestor?
Are descendants born 1600 eligible for Colonial Dames? Returning member also had
several questions regarding Jamestowne Society, DAR Patriots, Colonial Dames,
and Chandler
burials. Lineage: John Chandler b 1600 ENG Robert Chandler b c 1629 VA
Robert Chandler b 1654 VA Joseph Chandler b 1695 VA Joseph
Chandler b 1739 VA James Chandler b 1761 NC Allen Chandler b 1787
NC Martin Anthony Chandler b abt 1821 GA James B Chandler b abt
1848 Simeon Allen Chandler b abt 1882 AL Clovis Hamilton Chandler b
Panel responded that there are
problems with proving the relationship of John born 1600 to his descendants
and discussed the circumstantial evidence as laid out in Joe Chandler’s
articles. Thurston Gray Chandler may be the Gray Chandler buried in Friendship Cemetery and, if so, there is a
connection with her line. Neither Joseph born 1739 nor James born 1761 are
known to have served in the Revolutionary War although Joseph did sign a
Colonial Oath of Loyalty in 1778. We do not know if John’s descendants are
eligible for Colonial Dames but did provide basic requirements for that
organization. Inquirer will provide information for CFALD and also on DAR patriots named Chandler.
Please read this
article about the Otis-Crowell wedding and let me know if the Chandlers were related
to Harrison G. Otis. //tinyurl.com/ob967at
Gray Otis, founder of the Los Angeles Times, was the father-in-law of
Harry Chandler. Harrison Gray Otis of the Los Angeles Times was married to
Eliza Ann Weatherby Otis (1833-1904).The Otis-Crowell
wedding in the article was in 1890. We do not know whether Harrison G. Otis
in that article, employed by Southern Pacific Railroad, was related to Harrison
Gray Otis, publisher. Harrison Gray Otis, publisher, did not become related –
by marriage – to Harry Chandler until Harry married Marian Otis in 1894. Harry
Chandler was a descendant of William and Annis Chandler who settled in Roxbury, MA,
in 1637 having migrated from Bishop’s Stortford in Hertfordshire, England. Descendants
of William and Annis Chandler belong to Group 9 in the Chandler DNA Project.
Although we cannot attest to the accuracy, these two websites provide
background information on Harry Chandler:
New member believes
lineage to be: John Chandler b 1600 Robert Chandler Sr. b 1629 d. 1669
Robert Chandler Jr. b 1659 d. 1720 Joseph Chandler Sr. b 1700 d.
1764 Joseph Chandler II b 1739 d. 1804 in Caswell County NC James
Chandler Sr. b 1761 d. 1809 James Chandler Jr. b 1801 d. 1837
William D. Chandler b 1822 d. 1897 John Robert Chandler b 1847 d. 1904
Richardson L. Chandler b 1874 d. 1946 Pearline Chandler b 1913 d. 1983.
responded with information about a Chandler
relative who has tested as part of Group 7A. Sent CFALD reports of the family
– inquirer is already in database.
Henry Chandler b 1829
is my g-g-g-grandfather. I have traced this line back to around the Great
Bedwyn/ Marlborough areas of Wiltshire,
England. The ancestors I have so far are: Possibly
(but not sure) John Chandler (1801) married to Dinah (1796-1856) Henry
Chandler (1829) married to Sarah Gilbert (1827). Children: John (1855) Eliza
(1857) Daniel (1861) Charles (1863) Fanny (1865) Kate (1867) John (1855)
married Ann Alma Rushent (1857). The births may be a year out as they are
from census forms. I am from England,
and do not know whether any of my not yet discovered ancestors emigrated to
the United States.
Chandler who married Sarah Gilbert on 1 November 1851 at East Grafton
was christened at Little Bedwyn on 30 April 1830, the son of Edward and Hannah. This would
be the Edward Chandler who married Hannah Meadham of Little Bedwyn at
Froxfield on 29 October
1821. Edward Chandler was christened at Collingbourne Kingston on
23 September 1800,
recorded as the base born (i.e. illegitimate) son of Elizabeth Chandler. She
may have been the Betty Chandler
christened at CK on 15
December 1773, who was again the base born daughter of Mary
Chandler. The name Mary occurs so frequently in the 18th Century that it is
impossible to decide which is most likely Betty’s mother. “Base born”
was an unnecessarily harsh expression the church used at the time. We asked
for details of descent from known Chandlers.
Louis C. Chandler, believed
to have died in 1950 around the age of 60, was one of the founders of the Osteopathic College in Los Angeles.
Louis Charles Chandler was b 7 June 1886 in PA, the son
of Charles Horace and Ellen Catherine Williams Chandler. Louis married Mary
Seymour Johnson (b CA about 1890) in 1916. Louis’ father Charles was a music merchant
who married Ellen in 1883. Louis’ grandfather was James E Chandler, a carpenter
b CT about 1824; his grandmother was Eliza “Liza” Pearson b in England about
Herman Dalton Chandler
of Poolville, TX, buried Poolvile
Cemetery,b 3-10-1912, d 9-21-1948. Wife was Nettie Lorene Short, b 10-24-1910, d 1-23-1985. Research by inquirer
indicated this lineage: William Chandler b SC died 1755 SC Benjamin
Chandler b 1796 South Carolina> Perry Chandler b 1839> Henry Chandler b 1865
Texas death record shows Herman as b Parker County, TX, with parents Lee
Chandler, b TN, and Effie Fallowill, b Parker County, TX. – so Lee and Effie,
buried also at Poolville, are your g-grandparents. We could not locate in our
database a William Chandler who died in SC in 1755. If William died in 1755 he couldn’t be the father of
Benjamin b 1796. We think your Benjamin is in the 1850 Census of District 10,
Butler County, MO. He is 54, a farmer b SC, with wife
Elma aged 33 b MO (looks like a second marriage), and children Noel (20) b SC;
Perry (11); Wharton (9); and John (1) – all b MO. John looks like a child of
the second marriage. Lee
may have been aged 10 in the 1900 Census of Parker County. His birth is shown
as Sept. 1889 (unlikely because his older brother Arthur shown as aged 11 was
b in February 1889, so 1890 is a more likely birth year for Lee – though Find-A-Grave
has it as 1891). Lee’s parents are recorded as Henry aged 35, a farmer b MO
whose parents were b in TN, and Katy aged 35 b MS, as were her parents. In
1900 they had had 7 children, all living. Lee, Mary (14), William (12),
Arthur (11), Emery (8), Exter (5) and Walter (3).
Howell L Chandler, my
3x great grandfather, was b in 1818 in SC or VA. Can’t find his father or
beyond. Believe Howell’s father is Carter Chandler. My grandfather’s middle
name was Carter. I can’t find much on this Carter, except he married Alice
Seeing the inquirer’s reference to the marriage of Carter Chandler to Alice White, we felt that the inquirer’s Carter was probably a descendant of Richard Chandler (b 1749 in Goochland Co, VA; died 1782 in Fluvanna Co, VA) who married Elizabeth Carter on 17 September 1770. One of their sons was Richard Carter Chandler b 1772. He married twice, had 8 children with his first wife, then married a lady who we have recorded as Alcey White – who we thought could have been the Alice referenced above. However, the inquirer did further research and concluded that his lineage is Carter Chandler b c 1788 VA Howell Lewis Chandler b 1818 VA George Theolus Chandler b 1847 OH Howell Francis “Frank” Chandler b 1877 IA Lyle Carter Chandler b 1908 SD Francis Lyle “Butch” Chandler b 1940 NY. (Updated 9-30-2013)
Gabriel (or G.M.) Chandler, b NC 1836 of
unknown parentage was my g-g-g-grandfather was. He appeared in Washington
Co., IL, in 1858 when he married Nancy A. Thompson. His marriage certificate
showed him as John G. F. M. Chandler. They resided Perry Co., IL 1860;
Washington Co., IL 1870; and Marion Co., IL 1880, where he died 1883.There
were a number of Chandler
families in that region of IL but I haven’t been able to connect them. So I’m
looking for a NC Chandler family who gave complex names to their children.
person you are looking for may be Gabriel Chandler b 1839 in Surry Co, NC,
shown aged 11 in the 1850 Census, the same age as his sister Catherine. The
family is indexed by Ancestry as Chanler, and that is understandable because
that’s what the census sheet actually says. Also the census schedule shows
the mother as Mary not May. Gabriel’s parents were both b in NC, which
accords with Gabriel’s later census records. CFALD reports were sent showing
that Gabriel is a descendant of John Chandler b 1600. We asked for a response
to the theory that the Gabriel inquirer is searching for is the one we have
on record in CFALD as b 1839 in NC, son of James Chandler b 1800. Inquirer
responded that he believed Panel’s information to be valid, and wrote,
“Congratulations on a very well organized family association!”
Kate Chandler, b 1884,
immigrated to Canada
in 1907, where she married Charles Little. Charles immigrated from Inkpen, Berkshire, England, so am assuming that Kate
came from the same area. Kate had a sister Lucy. Kate’s parents were Albert
and Emily Louise Chandler. This information was on the marriage certificate
issued in Elgin, Ontario on October 17, 1907. I have been unable to find
Albert and Emily Louise on any documents available on the internet. Kate is
my husband’s grandmother.
Inkpen is near Hungerford in Berkshire,
close to the county borders with Wiltshire and Hampshire. Although her
parents took her to Hungerford at about the age of two, Louisa Kate was
actually b in the Dover
area, quite a distance away in the county
of Kent. Her birth was
registered at Dover
in the second quarter of 1883. The births of her sisters Elizabeth Rebecca
and Lucy Mabel were registered at Hungerford in Q1 1885 and Q4 1890
respectively. The reason for the relocation appears to be that their father
Albert was a packer aged 37 on the Great Western Railway per the 1891 Census,
when they were living at Park
Street, Hungerford. Albert was b at Thatcham in Berkshire. His wife Emily Louisa (note spelling
difference) was also aged 37 in 1891 – she was born in the part of London that then lay in
the county of Surrey. Immediately adjacent to this
family in 1891 was the household headed by widowed Lucy Chandler aged 49, a dressmaker
born at Ham which is just over the county boundary in Wiltshire and very
close to Inkpen.
Albert and Emily
Louisa BOTH came to the altar with the surname Chandler! The ceremony occurred at St James
the Apostle in Dover
on 17 May 1880.
He was a bachelor Gunner in the RA (Royal Artillery) residing (presumably in
the barracks) at Dover
Castle, the son of Richard
Chandler, a Labourer. She was a spinster of Dover, the daughter of David Chandler
In the census before
he married (1871), Albert is at home in Green Lane, Thatcham, Berkshire
with his parents Richard and Rebecca. Richard was a Railway Labourer born
Waterperry in Oxfordshire, and she was born in Hurst, Berkshire.
Albert’s siblings were Timothy (14), Ann (10) and James (8), all born in
In 1851 before
Albert was born, Richard (33) was already in Thatcham and married to Rebecca
(27), with an earlier batch of children – Hannah (11), Susannah (9), Jane
(8), Emma (5) and at last a son George (4), then another daughter Margaret (1).
I think that Richard
(who would have been about 23 in 1841), is the Stone Mason recorded as aged
20 at St Mary Magdalen in the city of Oxford.
The census states that Richard was NOT born in the county (Oxfordshire),
though that is not necessarily accurate. I have been unable to locate a
suitable baptism record for Richard. The Berkshire Family History Society has
transcribed his marriage record from the registers of St Nicholas in Hurst, Berkshire, which you will recall was Rebecca’s home
town. Richard Chandler “of Hurst”
a Labourer who was of full age, married Rebecca Brooker “of Hurst”,
a minor, on 26 January
1840. His father is named as Thomas and hers as William, both Labourers.
In the 1851 Census of Hurst, there is a victualler named Thomas Chandler aged
63 and born at Mortimer in Berkshire. His
wife was Mary aged 68 born Newington,
Michael Chandler,
inquirer’s g-g-g-grandfather, was b 1798-1800 in Ireland and died Geauga County, Ohio.
G-g-grandparents were William H. Chandler b June 1825 Ireland d
Trumbull Co, Ohio
and Cathrine E Harter b 1829 possibly Allentown,
PA d 1920-23 Ohio. They married 1905 and had 12
children. Inquirer asks where in Ireland they came from, and who
they are connected to.
In the New FamilySearch (NFS) system, your Michael is shown as Michael H
Chandler born 1797, married in 1819 in Ireland to Frances F Ludlow, and
died 21 October 1866
in Ohio.
The availability of Irish records is very poor. Although Michael is a
common Irish forename, we do not know of a single Michael Chandler born
in Ireland.
Chandler is
not a native name of Ireland,
so although Michael was born there, I doubt that his ancestors were –
almost certainly they came from England, which ruled Ireland at
that time. A great many records were destroyed during the Irish
insurrection of Easter 1916. You mention that you have access to
more information. If you can send this information, we will be glad to take
another look.
Francis/Fanny Chandler is my wife’s connection to Robert &
Parthena Chandler. My wife’s uncle is George Travis Powell, who wrote the
book(s) “1616-1085 The Virginians – Thomas Powell and John Hardman.”
George’s book contains the brief research he did on Robert Chandler and
family. I’m still working on Robert Chandler. The proverbial “many
people” name Joel Chandler as his father, but per normal, nobody cites a
The name of Uriah Hardman’s wife was Frances
“Fanny”, not the male form Francis. and the name of her grandfather
was Joell, not Joel. The evidence that Fanny’s father Robert was the son of
Joell is quite convincing, more so than for many 300-year-old parentage
claims. It is collected in various pages of Annamae Barber Chandler’s
449-page book “Discovering Chandler Lines 1475-1996 in Tennessee Death
Records 1908-1944” (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 96-97078 and
ISBN # 0-965697-0-0).
J.R. Chandler, the founder of Ida. LA, was my grandfather. I am
87 years old, and I would like to learn more about my grandfather’s family.
A check of other family trees showed
a Robert as the son of Josiah or Joseph who was the son of King Chandler. This
is what led us to think that your Jonathan Robert Chandler AKA Robert may be
descended from John Chandler of Jamestown.
Several links were provided: to a draft card for possibly his father; to the
history of Ida, LA; and to a 1900 census record for possibly
his grandfather. None of the names mentioned seem to be in CFALD.
Joseph Chandler married Sarah Farmer (as shown in 2011 queries, pg
8 of 18)– I have much the same for
Joseph Chandler b ca 1755, son of Elisha, but much of my data is undocumented.
Is there any proof for Elisha and son, Joseph? If Simeon Chandler (b ca 1785
NC married Amelia) and Ezekiel Chandler (b ca 1791 VA married Susannah) are
brothers, and are sons of Joseph b ca 1755, is there any proof for this?
Also, from census entries it would appear they were born in different states.
For Simeon I have these children:
· Elizabeth b ca 1815
married Ninevah Gosnell (my direct line)
· Simeon b ca 1816 married Melinda, my direct line
· John b ca 1822 married
· George Washington b ca 1824 marr Holly Chandler,
d/o Ezekiel and Susannah Chandler.
1830 Buncombe Co
NC census shows Simeon with
four sons and one daughter. Ezekiel Chandler shows first in 1820 Buncombe Co
NC census, also in deeds and court records. I’ve found Simeon Chandler only
in NC census records 1830-1850. I’ve not found him in Buncombe/Yancey Co
deeds or court records. 1835 Poll Book NC 12th Congressional District does
show a Simeon Chandler in Ivy
District in Yancey Co.
This could be Simeon b ca 1785 or his son, Simeon b ca 1816. Finally, does
CFALD have anything on the Diana Chandler b ca 1760-1770 who shows on 1820
Buncombe Co census with 5 males and 2 females. These might be married
children with spouses as 3 males are 16-26, as are 2 females. 1830 census
shows only Diana, 60-70, with 1 F under 5, and 2 F 20-30. 1840 Yancey Co
census does show Washington Chandler 20-30 as head of household with a female
If the 1820 Census is accurate,
Dianah would have been born between 1775 and 1794. CFALD has only one Diana
who fits this, and she married Thomas Roberts in VA in 1792, so would appear
as Diana Roberts if she appeared by name at all in 1820. It looks as
Dianah was a widow with a child under 10 but there is no Chandler male who died in Buncombe or
anywhere in NC between 1810 and 1820 in our database.
Dennis Allan Chandler (b 11th April 1920 West Ham, Newham, d 12th Dec. 2004 in Bournemouth)
was my grandfather. He married my grandmother Edna Norry Barnes in the mid
1940’s and divorced in the 50’s, which was the last contact with the family.
His occupation is listed as retired caterer. There is a family story about
his mother being a German Countess who fled from the Nazis to the UK but I have
no idea if it’s true. I came across your website quite by accident but was
very interested to see that there is such interest in the family name. I
never met my grandfather as he divorced shortly after my mother was born, I
did a bit of digging around recently and have a copy of his death certificate
from 2004. I would be interested to find out about other lines of family
members in the UK,
Are you able to help with that sort of thing or point me in the right
The parents of Dennis Allen
Chandler were Geoffrey Allan Chandler and Pansy Brüning who married in 1915
at West Ham. Pansy was the daughter of Max Henry Brüning, a tailor’s cutter
born in Hanover, Germany, who was living in
Leyton, Essex, in 1901. Pansy’s mother was
also born in Germany.
Pansy was born in Leeds, Yorkshire;
most of her siblings were born in the London
area. Most of her family worked in tailoring. Geoffrey Allan Chandler was
born in Leyton and his birth was registered at West Ham in the 4th quarter of
1893. His father was Horace Joseph Chandler whose birth was registered at
Islington in the 1st quarter of 1858. Horace married Emma Elizabeth Hopping
at St Mary the Virgin in Leyton on 8 March 1883. He was 25 and she was 21. His father was
also named Horace and was also a clerk. In the 1901 Census, Horace Joseph is
shown as a dock company clerk born Barnsbury, a district in Islington, London, and Emma’s
birthplace is shown as Bromley-by-Bow, London.
As well as Geoffrey, they also had a son Arthur H Chandler who was 17 in
1901, a Shipping Clerk born at Leyton. Horace, the father of Horace
Joseph, married Catharine Brockman in 1850 at Dover in Kent. Horace was born in Dover about 1826 and
worked in some kind of surveying capacity for the GPO (General Post Office –
who at that time provided postal and telephone services in Britain). In the 1841 Census, Horace is 15
and a Carpenter’s Apprentice living at Charlton, a district of Dover, with
his parents Joseph and Jane Chandler (57 and 53) and siblings Joseph (26),
William (29), George (20), Samuel (19), Elizabeth (17) and Harriett (13). Joseph
born about 1784 seems NOT to have been part of the large family of Dover
Chandlers whose lineages we know.
Georgia heads of Chandler households in
the 1830 census of Gwinnet County,
GA – please help identify the
· H. Chandler
· John C. Chandler,
· William J. Chandler
· Robt. Chandler
approach we take with census schedules like this is to assume that the
Household Head is the oldest male recorded. If this is true, the birth years
of the people you inquire about are:
Chandler 1791-1800
C Chandler (there are two, both) 1801-1810
J Chandler
We searched the CFA Lineages Database
(CFALD) for all males born in those time periods, and examined their life
events to see if they could be the men in the Gwinnett County
census, but we found no matches. We must stress that CFALD does not (yet!)
have all the Georgia
Chandlers in
it. We have no John C Chandlers in CFALD of the necessary age, and no John
Chandlers of the necessary age with Georgia connections. There is no
suitable William J Chandler. The only suitably aged Robert is Robert
Bradenham Chandler, but he was born and died in VA (which does not of itself
preclude him from being in GA in 1830, though it reduces the likelihood).
Myrtle Chandler Timerding (March
1893-Oct 1967 Cincinnati, OH) was my maternal grandmother. Her father,
Charles P Chandler, was born in 1853 in Kanawha,
WV. He died in November 933 and
is buried in Highland
Cemetery, Ft. Mitchell, KY.
I am “stuck” discovering roots before 1846 when his mother,
Charlotte Starke, married Joseph E Chandler in Kanawha in December of 1846.
Joseph and his 3 children (Albert, Charles, and Ida) lived in Kanawha and he
was a constable. There is a report that Charlotte’s
father, Robert Starke, died while visiting them in late 1850. The 1860 census
has Charlotte and the 3 children living in Covington/Kenton County, KY, near Cincinnati where her
son Charles later settled and married his first wife, Kate Cronin. Charlotte remarried by
the 1870 census to a James McCord who became Charles Chandler’s stepfather. The
death certificate for Charles in 1933 states his father was James and not
Joseph. My grandmother, Myrtle Chandler Timerding, supplied the information
and perhaps did not know about Joseph. There is no death certificate in WV
for Joseph Chandler, and I have been unsuccessful with KY or Ohio searches. There
are several other mysteries – Charles Chandler is buried with his third wife
and alongside several empty graves from the mid-thirties that were bought for
Mary Chandler (my grandmother Myrtle’s older sister) and a Sarah
Chandler-whom I do not recognize through my research.
Our research basically confirmed that
of inquirer. We were able to tell her that Joseph E Chandler who married a
Stark is in CFALD as the son of Richard Carter Chandler b1772 VA. CFALD
reports were sent and additions to CFALD were invited.
Jane H Taylor married Drury J Shell. All the data I have been
able to find says that Jane Taylor was the daughter of Rhitta Chandler but I
only have the 1850 Census to go on and that does not state her maiden name. I
have John Chandler’s pension records that clearly state Rhitta as his
daughter and married to James Taylor but the gap in between is just
CFALD report was provided on the ancestry of James E Shell, son of Drury
Shell and Elizabeth Jane Taylor (as she is listed in CFALD). Excerpts and
footnotes were provided from a newsletter article on the descendants of John
and Ritta Taylor. Lineage: John Chandler b 1600 ENG Robert Chandler b
abt 1629 VA Robert Chandler b1654 VA Joseph Chandler b1695
Joel Chandler b 1726 VA John Chandler b 1755 VA Ritta Chandler b
1790 SC Elizabeth Jane Taylorb 1815 SC James E. Shell b 1844 GA
Eugenia H Shell Lonnie Hoyt Jackson Lonnie Hoyt Jackson
My grandfather George was a Chandler and to my lasting regret, I never
asked him about his roots while he was alive. He and his brothers, Richard
and John, were brought up in South London in
the 1920’s. George was an eminent electrical engineer and worked for the
Royal Navy during WWII. John died in a motorbike accident in about 1950 after
having served uninjured throughout WWII. I’m still trying to find his resting
place. Richard volunteered as a soldier with the Royal Corps of Signals and
was among the men that landed in Normandy
in June 1944. He died in combat on the tenth of July that year aged 21. He is
buried in the St Manvieu War Cemetery, Cheux, Nr Caen France. He has only been visited twice
since he died, both times by me.
Response from inquirer: I’m astounded at the information you
were able to share. It is indeed my grandfather and his middle name was
Bertram. He married Constance Worley c 1940(?), and my mother Stella is the
last living Chandler
from this branch. My brother and I were completely unaware of Alice. My brother, who
lives in West London will pursue John’s
resting place. I knew about 1/10 of the information you sent.
believes the following to be true:
your grandfather was the George B (possibly Bertram) Chandler whose birth was registered at
Holborn in the 3rd quarter of 1917.
he had a sister Alice E whose birth was registered there in Q4 1919.
his brother John was the William John whose birth was registered there in Q4
his brother Richard’s birth was registered there in Q1 1923.
their parents were Bertram G Chandler and Lily M Delaney whose marriage was
registered at Southwark in Q1 1916. He may be the Bertram George Chandler
whose birth was registered at Mile End in Q1 1884.
John’s death was probably the William John Chandler aged 26 registered at
Brentford in Q2 1947 (Volume 5e Page 152). With that information you could
obtain a copy of the death certificate, which costs about 9 pounds. That, together
with examination of local newspapers, could help you find your grand-uncle’s
resting place.
Josiah, born 1837 TN (son of William Chandler b 1801),
disappears after the 1880 census, when his family was in Robertson County,
TN. CFALD has his death date and place as Bushton, Rice Co, KS in 1889 but inquirer
would like to be sure this is the correct Josiah.
suggested inquirer contact the Rootsweb site for Rice County, Kansas,
to see if she could learn anything. We also sent information from census and
other records, but so far nothing found indicates specifically that inquirer’s
Josiah was in Rice County,
Kansas, at the time of his
John Chandler b 1600 ENG Robert Chandler b c 1629 VA Robert
Chandler b 1654 VA Joseph Chandler b 1695 VA Joel Chandler b 1726
VA Shadrack Chandler b 1757 VA James Chandler b 1775 VA
William Chandler b 1801 TN Josiah Chandler b 1837 TN Margaret
“Maggie” Chandler b 1876 TN Ruth Anne May Riner b 1903 OK
Inquirer and friend both have Chandler ancestors and wondering about the
connection. Friend’s family is Ernie P Chandler 1906-1952/ Ernie Oakley
Chandler 1885-1952/ William Chandler and Sara Chandler (first dentist in
Punxsutawney Pa./Thomas Chandler 1807-1896. It looks like Thomas was also a
dentist along with sons. Inquirer’s family starts in Sommerset NJ with George
1813-1851 and Mary Pennington (granddaughter of Jonathan Pennington and Osee
Doty and Joseph Moore and Rachel Tucker) Forrester Chandler and Addie
Gale Frank Chandler who moved to
NY, married a Letia Fitch, and had two children: Kermit Chandler 1906-1982
and Cecil Chandler.The mother
remarried a Roberts.
You and your friend are not
genetically related, because his grandfather became a Chandler by adoption. He is shown as Ernie
O Campbell aged 18 in the 1900 Census of Big Run, Jefferson County, PA,
in the home of William J Chandler aged 69 and his second wife Sarah C aged
42. Ernie O was specifically recorded as Sarah’s son, presumably by a
previous marriage, so it is likely that your friend will be carrying a
Campbell Y-chromosome in his DNA,
rather than Chandler.
Of course, this genetic situation does not change at all the fact that your
friend IS a Chandler
– Ernie O adopted the Chandler
surname and raised his children with that name. From a DNA viewpoint, by
doing so he inaugurated a new genetic Chandler
family. William J was William Johnston
Chandler born 10 September
1830, whose first wife was Martha Winslow who he married on 7 October 1851. His
father Thomas Johnston Chandler (known as “T. J.”) was born Bradford County PA
on 17 August 1807,
married Eliza Sherman on 28
August 1829 and died 9 March 1896. As you said, he studied dentistry and
followed that profession for 50 years. His father was named Jeremiah and I
believe that he was a descendant of George and Jane Chandler who migrated
from Wiltshire, England to Pennsylvania in 1687. That line is known
as geneticChandler family 7B.
Moving on to your line, George’s father
was named Jacob and George was born in Bridgewater.
Examining the 1830 Census I can see that widow Margaret Chandler living in Bridgewater had a son
in the 10-14 years age group, which would fit an 1816 birth for George (per
his age in the 1850 census). Margaret is in the 50-59 age group, so Jacob
would have been about the same age. There is a suitable family in the 1810
Census of Camillus, Onondaga Co, NY, headed by Jacob, next door to another Chandler family headed
by Absalom – possibly brothers to judge by their age ranges. The New
FamilySearch system has Abram Chandler who married Sarah in 1775 in Goshen, Orange Co, NY
as the father of Absalom, so he may have been the father of Jacob, too. Some online
trees place Abram and Sarah Chandler as the parents of Jacob 1765-1820, Isaac
1770-1820, Benoni born 1773 and Absalom 1776-1856. It would be very exciting
to get a DNA test done by a descendant of this line.
Chandler married Greenberry Wardrupe in Buncombe Co, NC. Greenberry is a
brother to my great-grandfather, Ezekiel Wardrupe. They fought in the Civil
War with the 64th NC, were captured at Cumberland
Gap, TN, and sent
to Camp Douglas, IL. After Elizabeth died, Greenberry married Annie
Wright. They came to Laurel Co, KY, from Madision Co, NC. Greenberry was
murdered in Laurel Co, KY. Elizabeth
might have been a sister to Green Chandler.
studying 1850 and 1860 census records, we have come to the conclusion that
Elizabeth Chandler Wardrupe was the daughter of Joseph Franklin Chandler b
1812 in TN who married Susannah Ramsey in 1830 in NC. Susannah was born 1808
NC. The ancestry we have for Joseph Franklin only goes back to Elisha
Chandler b 1732. Lineage: Elisha Chandler b 1732 Joseph Chandler b 1755
Simeon Chandler b 1782 Joseph Franklin Chandler b 1812.
Chandler, possibly born 1912, was my grandfather.He is In the Bronx NY census of 1940, which
says he was from Connecticut.
Elmer Chandler in CT was a descendant of William and Annis
Chandler who migrated from Hertfordshire,
England and
settled in Roxbury Massachusetts
in 1687. However, there is something of a hiccup in the 1820s. We have traced
your Chandler
ancestry back through the censuses until they connect up with the early,
well-documented members of the William & Annis family. From the 1920
Census we see that the parents of your grandfather Elmer born CT 1912 were
recorded as Olcott E and Augusta. (The name Augusta may be a census-taker’s error.) Olcott
E was a sailor aboard the USS Georgia in 1910 when he gave his birth
year as 1885 in Massachusetts,
whereas in the 1920 census he says he was born in 1892 in CT. The father of
Olcott E Chandler was Olcott Mason Chandler born 25 April 1853 , who had a younger
brother George and was married to a girl named Ella. Olcott Mason and George
were the sons of Olcott Chandler born June 1829 who resided in Enfield CT and
married Mary Jane Morgan of County
Derry, Ireland.
Here is where the hiccup occurred. The records state that Olcott was the son
of Jerusha Terry of Enfield,
but not the son of Isaac Chandler 1783-1831 who had married Jerusha and had
four daughters with her commencing in 1818. Isaac died on 4 August 1831 aged
48 – two years after Olcott was born, when Jerusha was probably in her early
forties. Isaac’ father (Lt) David Chandler 1747-1816 married Miriam Simonds. David
was a farmer on land owned by his grandfather Henry in the north of Enfield. He was highway
surveyor in 1773. In 1779 he was one of the committee of the town to purchase
clothing for soldiers and to look after their families while the husbands and
fathers were absent. In the 1780s he was a member of the school committee and
a juryman. In 1804 he was inspector of tobacco. He died in Enfield in 1816 aged 69.
David’s father was
Isaac 1717-1787 who married Abigail Hale. Isaac’s father was Henry 1667-1737
who married Lydia
Abbot. In 1695 the town of Enfield
granted Henry and his brother Joseph the right to establish a saw mill on the
Cochickewick River. He inherited half of his
father’s homestead in 1703 and in 1723 bought 1700 acres on the banks of
the Connecticut River lived for the rest of
his life. Henry and Lydia
had 13 children and 99 known grandchildren.
Henry’s father was
(Captain) Thomas 1628-1703 who married Hannah Brewer. He came to Massachusetts with his
parents at age about 7. He was one of the proprietors and early pioneers in
the settlement of Andover.
The Andover
historian wrote “T.C. was a blacksmith, ultimately a rich man,
carrying on a considerable iron works.”
Henry’s father was
William Chandler who married second wife Annis Bayford (not Alcock as many
have incorrectly recorded) and settled in Roxbury in 1637, bringing four
children with them from England.
Of course, the
“hiccup” I refer to above does not change the fact that you are a Chandler. Olcott is an
unusual given name. It might indicate the surname of his father. Indeed,
the 1820 Census shows that there were no less than 19 households in
Hartford County, CT, headed by a man surnamed Olcott, implying that there
were probably around 50 Olcott men in the county who could have fathered
Jerusha’s son. A Y-chromosome DNA test might confirm or refute this as a
possible male ancestral surname. It might even prove the records wrong and
show a Chandler
(Fanny) Chandler
was born about 1800 and died before 1850. She married Baptist Park
(1788/1800-Mar 1853) on 27
Feb 1821 in Jackson Co. GA. His parents were Wilson Park
(1775-1812) and Hannah Milligan. They were married in 1799. Wilson came from NC and died in Jackson Co.
GA. Baptist and Fanny had at least one daughter, Frances Virginia Park born 3 Oct 1826 in Jackson Co.
and died 29 Oct 1903
in Red River Co., TX. She married Doc Singleton Kerbo about 1852. He was born
in Jul 1823 and died at Gettysburg
on 3 Jul 1863.
After his death, she came to Texas
with two bothers-in-law. My father was their great grandson.
from inquirer: Inquirer responded: Thank you so much for finding (or not
finding) a possible trail to my ancestor Fanny Chandler Park(s). I had not
been able to connect her to Parks and one of his wives, Massa or Elizabeth “Betsy.” Frances
(Fanny) and Baptist
Park were married 27 Feb 1821 in Jackson
Co. (or my research showed from the Park side of the family), but I was never
able to document this marriage in Jackson
County. Baptist and his
parents Wilson and Hannah Mulligan came from NC, but when I do not know. If
only I can find Fanny’s parents for sure. Then I could possibly hook her to
the John Chandler line.”
This is a tough nut to crack. The
birth date of Fanny’s daughter, 3 October 1826, is a key piece of information as it
determines the earliest possible death date of Fanny. The 1850 and 1860
censuses have her aged 20 and 30, suggesting an 1830 birth, and the
1900 census has her born October 1828. We assume you have something which
evidences 3 October 1826.
The 1850 Census suggests that Martha M Park born 1828 who married James
Wright was also a daughter of Baptist and Fanny.
We were hoping that the book
“Cemetery Records of Jackson County, Georgia” might provide some
clues, but we did not find Fanny there. We also looked for clues to see if Frances might
have been a hitherto-unknown daughter of Parks and Massa Chandler or his
second wife Elizabeth “Betsy” Barker. Parks died in Jackson County. More disappointment! This
does, however, remain a possibility. We feel that the most likely parentage
of Fanny is as the first child of Parks and Betsy Barker Chandler or the last
child of Parks and his first wife named Massa.
Have you considered this possibility previously? The ancestry of Parks
involves descent from John Chandler born in England in 1600 who migrated to VA
in 1610. That line goes John Robert Robert Joell Robert
Parks.” We have added Fanny to Parks’ family in the CFA Lineages
Database (CFALD), with a question mark about her entry, and explanatory notes
in the record.
Chandler was baptised 16th
October 1822 at Lympsham, Somerset,
the son of Patience Chandler, single woman. He is quite a tragic Chandler link within my
family tree and I would welcome any further information you have. At the age
of about 9 he was apprenticed by the Worle overseers to a farmer, and later
to a tiler and plasterer. At 21 he ended his apprenticeship and went to work
for the same tiler & plasterer in the town of Weston Super Mare. In 1844 he married Emma
Binding in Weston Super Mare. In April 1846, in poor health, he was the
subject of an order of removal, whereby the overseers of Worle parish (where
Emma had relations) tried to remove him, his wife and infant son Henry, back
to Weston Super Mare, but this may have been unsuccessful as he died at Worle
in September 1846, aged 24. His widow had just given birth to another child,
Jane. I can trace Emma’s life subsequently, and I know that the infant Jane
died in Weston Super Mare in 1847. Henry Chandler, born 29 October 1844, can
be found on the 1861 census (Weston Super Mare, a labourer still living with
his mother and stepfather), but despite several years of searching I have not
found any further trace of him. I believe his mother may have been born
Patience Vater, who married John Chandler in 1817 in Hutton, Somerset. A child Betsey Chandler was
baptised at Hutton on 21st
April 1817, but I can find no further trace of John or Betsey
thereafter. A Patience Chandler was tried for larceny and acquitted at
Somerset Assizes in January 1824.
responded: I now have the death certificate for Patience Chandler. She died 2nd April 1848 at
Churchill, Somerset.
She was 59 years old and the wife of James Chandler, labourer. The death was
notified by Ann Lewis. I can’t find Patience or James in the 1841 census, nor
James in the 1851 census. So this may have been “my” Patience
suggesting that she had a husband somewhere else?”
We think we have located your
Patience Chandler. According to the National Burial Index, a Patience
Chandler aged 59 was buried in April 1848 at St John the Baptist in Churchill. This is
confirmed by a death registration at Axbridge in Q2 1848. This Patience would
have been born about 1789 and, if she was Patience Vater, she would have been
28 on marriage in 1817. This might give an indication of the birth date of
John Chandler – perhaps 1787. If John and Patience Chandler were the parents
of Ephraim, why was Patience shown as a single woman at Ephraim’s baptism? Even
if her husband John had died by then, she should have been shown as a widow.
Research notes:
1. The National Burial Index has a William
Chandler aged 23 buried 17
September 1846 at Worle St Martin. There was no death of a
William Chandler registered at Axbridge in Q3 or Q4 1846. “William”
may be an NBI mistranscription for “Ephraim”.
2. In case they may later prove to be
relevant, we noted two burials at Lympsham St Christopher:
a. George Chandler aged 2 buried 5 October 1844.
b John Chanler (sic) aged 2 months buried 7 February 1841.
3. There is no Ephraim Chandler in the Worle
or Weston area in the 1841 Census.
We have searched thoroughly in my Somerset and
Gloucestershire records, as well as emigration and military files, but cannot
locate suitable entries for your John, Henry or Betsey.
Inquirer sent a copy of the death
certificate for Patience Chandler. Research is continuing.
Joshua L. Chandler, buried at the end of main street in Chincoteague, VA,
is as far as I can go back. I have heard the name James mentioned as his
father but I’m not sure if that is right. This is quite a large group of Chandlers, and I’m
wondering why we don’t hear from more of them. My dad, Asa Neal Chandler,
died September, 1938, so I didn’t learn much about his family. His dad was
William. He had a brother Ebe in DE and Joshua L. was their father William
& wife Sara Benson Chandler had 7 children. My father’s family was from Chincoteague, VA,
and before that Dagsboro, DE.Lineage
from inquirer: Captain Joshua L. Chandler b 10/1829, Roxanna, Sussex County, DE,
William James (Billy) Chandler,
b 1852, PA, USA.> Asa Neal Chandler, b 1882, Chincoteague, VA, USA
Information was provided about a book on this family, which
inquirer did purchase. Inquirer’s
brother has tested into Genetic Family #22, descendants of John Chandler of Accomack County, VA,
born 1650, probably in England
and probably the founder of the Eastern Shore Chandlers on the DelMarVa peninsula. Inquirer is delighted with this
result, not least because it bears out her research of many years.
John Rogers (born 1872 Avebury) was my grandfather. His parents were Henry
John Rogers (born 1850 Marlborough, Wiltshire) and Sabrina Chandler (born
1847 in Avebury, Wiltshire). Sabina’s father was Joseph Chandler (born circa
1810 in Avebury). His Mother was Sarah Chandler. Sadly that is all the
information I have, they are proving very stubborn and difficult to find.
The wife of Henry John Rogers was born and married with the name
Sabina, omitting the “r”. Her birth was registered at Marlborough in the 3rd
quarter of 1847, and her christening at Avebury on 15 August 1847. Her marriage as
Sabina was registered at Marlborough
in the first quarter of 1871. According to the 1851 Census, her parents
Joseph and Mary were both born in Beckhampton, on the outskirts of Avebury,
in 1811 and 1813 respectively. From the ages of the children in 1841 and
1851, they were married about 1838/9. Assuming that Joseph and Mary married
and that their marriage was properly registered, they were probably the
Joseph Chandler and Mary Pearce whose marriage was registered at Malmesbury
in the first quarter of 1838. That suggests Mary was not in fact born at
Beckhampton, probably one of many census errors. None of the three children
of Joseph and Mary recorded in the 1841 Census are with them in 1851. The
deaths of Ellen, Rachel or William are not registered at Marlborough in the intervening 10 years. Ellen
is aged 12 in the 1851 Census, living in Beckhampton with her pauper aunt,
Sarah Gregory, a widow aged 67. Also in the household is another sibling of
Sabina, Eli aged 7. The sibling living with Sabina (aged 3) and her parents
in 1851 were Rebecca (10), George (9), Henry (8), Stephen (6), James (2) and
infant Dinah.
We don’t know which
Sarah Chandler was the (almost certainly unmarried) mother of Joseph. There
are a number of possibles. It might be Sarah King Chandler christened at Swindon on 23 May 1787. The name King may be a clue to the name of
Joseph’s father. Her mother appears to be Ann, who also seems to be an
unmarried mother. Perhaps Sarah Chandler married sometime after giving birth
to Joseph in 1810 and became Sarah Gregory, widowed by 1851 and known to
Joseph’s children as Aunt Sarah though in fact their grandmother?
Chandler from Dronfield I Derbyshire b 1877 was my great grandmother. She was
the daughter of George Chandler b Huncote Leics 1853.
is part of GeneticChandler Family Group 8. Panel: Our records show that your g-g-grandfather
George was born on 1st May
1853 at Narborough, which is just down the road from Huncote,
where his younger siblings were born. He married Mary Evans aged 20, daughter
of John Evans, at Dronfield on 2
April 1877 when he was almost 24. Your great grandmother Ada, born at Dronfield
in the 4th quarter of 1878, had a brother John William Chandler born in
1880. George was the son of John Chandler and Ann Armston. John was born at
Huncote on 21 November
1819 and married Ann on 5 July 1846 at Huncote. John died in Leicester
on 16 December 1899.
John was the son of William Chandler and Mary Harris-Shaw. William was born
Narborough in May 1799. William and Mary married in April 1819 at Thurlaston.
They died in 1876 and 1877 respectively. William was the son of Richard
Chandler and Mary Bamford. Richard was born on 3 January 1775 at Thurlaston and married Mary
on 20 February 1796
at Narborough. He died about 1834 in Narborough. Richard was the son of
Edward Chandler and Latitia Strong, and this is the point at which your
lineage converges with Tony Chandler’s, detailed on our website. Edward born
1743 in Gilmorton is entry number 6 in Tony’s lineage.
Meyers Chandler 1825-1910 b TN, US died Allen Co, KY Thomas A Chandler
1849-1874 TN USA died Allen Co KY >
Charles D Tall Chandler (known by family as “CD”) 1874-1966 b Allen
Co KY, d Union KY Cossie Dellen Chandler 1906-1992 b KY, d Cincinnati,
OH Elbridge Earl Chandler. The above is known lineage of inquirer’s
husband. Possibly some connection with a William Chandler who married an
Elizabeth Prather, presumed (by Panel) to be the William b 1805 who married
1st Elizabeth Prather and 2nd Nancy Woods.
from inquirer: In a couple U.S.
census John’s son Abraham Link records his father being born in state of TN.
Do you have anything on Abraham Link Chandler, dob is 1861-1946? (Later in
life he simply reports Link on his Census.) Abraham shows in more than one
census that his father is from TN, Mother from NC.The KY census of 1870 for John M Chandler shows
an Elizabeth Chandler listed in the next household, born NC age 71. My
husband’s family remained in KY until his family line ended up here in OH.
We did not find any of your husband’s direct ancestors in the
CFA Lineages Database (CFALD) but can provide you with some information on the
William Chandler born 1805 who married Elizabeth Prather. Elizabeth was
possibly the first wife, as her children were all born between 1828 and 1838,
well before the 1850 birth of William, the son of William born 1805 and
presumed 2nd wife Nancy Woods. William born 1850 is also credited with a wife
named Nancy,
which could be true or might prove to be confusion between the two generations
of Williams. We do not find a John Meyers Chandler anywhere in this family,
although William born 1805 had nephews named John McNeal born 1842 (father
was Joseph McNeil born 1801) and John R born 1831 (father was Richard “Capt
John” Chandler
b 1792). William born 1805 had four sisters but only the two brothers
mentioned above. Their parents were Joseph Chandler born 1715 New Kent County,
VA, and Sarah ? born 1720.
conclusion: The next step is for inquirer to join the DNA
Project. We have not encountered anyone of this line previously.
Lance Chandler
born in New Zealand
whose parents were English is my adopted son’s natural father. My son would like me to research his
know of only one Lance Chandler born in New Zealand, but it was his great
grandparents, not his parents, who were born in England. The privacy of living
people is carefully protected by New Zealand law. This does not
make genealogy impossible, but it does make recent family history much more
difficult. As far as I can tell, the Lance Chandler we know of would have
been born around 1960, and it appears that he was the son of a Daphne
I am
looking for information on my grandparents. Their names were Harry F. and
Clara Chandler, I believe that they lived in Los Angeles, California,
or Bakersfield
– this is all the information that I have.
responded: My mother was born either Virginia Lucille Chandler or Lucille
Chandler September 7, 1930
in Kern, California.
She was adopted by David and Anna Egan in 1937 in Los Angeles, California.
know of only one Harry and Clara Chandler in California. In 1940 they had two children,
Raymond born 1933 and Doris born 1937. Do either of these children sound like
one of your parents?
There is a birth record in an
index at Ancestry.com showing that Lucille Chandler was born in Kern County, California,
on 7 September 1930
and that her mother’s maiden name was Turkington. The father’s name is
not shown in any of these index records at Ancestry. We can find no suitable
records at all relating to Clara Turkington or Harry F Chandler in California. There is a
record showing Raymond Lee Chandler born 7 June 1932 in Orange County, CA,
and another for Doris Marie Chandler born 27 August 1936 in San Bernardino County, CA,
both with Turkington as the mother’s maiden name. Using that information, we
found Harry, Clara, Raymond and Doris in the 1940 Census at Oro Grande in San Bernardino County. Clara, not Harry, is shown as
the owner of a poultry farm – Harry is recorded as unable to work. Harry was
born in Iowa
in 1889 and Clara in Texas
in 1894. The 1900 Census shows Harry L Chandler aged 10 in Riverton, Fremont County, Iowa
in the home of his parents Walter S and Clara S Chandler (aged 38 and 36
respectively) with another son, Ancil B Chandler aged 14. All were born in Iowa. Walter was a fruit
buyer. His father was born in Ohio
and his mother in New York.
The parents of Clara S were born in VA. It may be that Walter S was
actually William S, because that is how he appears in the 1870 Census of
Madison, Fremont County, Iowa. He was aged 9, born Iowa. His father was
Thomas Chandler aged 44, a farmer born Ohio,
and his mother was Arabella A., aged 40 born New York. His siblings at that time were
Lucy A (19 born Wisconsin),
Emily A (15 born Wisconsin)
and Laura I (3 born Iowa). In the 1850 Census of Grant
County, Wisconsin, Thomas Chandler aged 25 was recorded as a carpenter born Ohio, and his wife is
Almira A., aged 21 born New York.
An adjacent household is headed by Joseph W Chandler aged 29, also a carpenter
born in Ohio,
who may well be a brother of Thomas. There were a large number of
Chandler households in Ohio in the early 1800s, but the censuses before 1850
only show the household heads, so we have not been able to locate the earlier
members of this family.
& Jane (―) Chandler/Chantler of Dunnings Mill, East
Grinstead, Sussex,
were neighbors of my Streater/Streeter ancestors at Dunnings Farm. They
belonged to the same Baptist congregation. I have attached original wills for
two men of East Grinstead named John
Chantler. I have considered the possibility that the Chandler/Chantler and
Streater/Streeter families were related but I have found no evidence to
support this speculation.
provided information about several Chandler-Streeter marriages between 1609
and 1889 in England
and invited collaboration.
Collins Chandler, born Bienville Parish, LA 5-8-1872, was my grandfather. His father David
Chandler born Webster Parish LA 10 May 1818 but only shows _____ Chandler who moved to
Miden, Webster Parish, LA 1800.
David Chandler is probably a son of Solomon Chandler, ancestry
unknown. We were able to put inquirer in touch with another descendant of
Solomon Chandler and information was exchanged. Parents of Solomon Chandler
are unknown..
Chandler, inquirer’s birth father, was the son of Clark Chandler. Thomas died
in France
during WWII and is buried there. When inquirer was 17 years of age he was
convinced to legally change his name to reflect the name of the step-father
who had raised him. DNA test
results place inquirer in Group 9, descendants of William and Annis Chandler.
The question to be researched is whether inquirer is a descendant of William
Eaton Chandler (1835-1917), noted Republican and son of Nathan S. Chandler.
from inquirer: “We are in possession of a biography written by Leon Burr
Richardson, William E. Chandler Republican, published by Dodd, Mead &
Company in 1940. Attached is a scan from that book which I believe explains
“Nathan Chandler” vs. Nathan Chandler. There were two Nathans. One son was
legitimate, one child was conceived out of wedlock when Nathan Chandler b Apr 14, 1782, at the age
of 18 slept with household help of his father. This child is Nathan S.
Chandler, father of William Eaton Chandler. Nathan S. Chandler, b 1800 Concord, NH
was reared at the farm of Moody Farnum, went to Boston in 1823 d. 1862 Concord, NH.”
Correspondence and research between Dick and inquirer indicates
that inquirer may be a descendant of William Eaton Chandler.
Joel Chandler Harris – what
is his Chandler
is sad that he was embarrassed about his illegitimacy throughout his life. Anyway,
Wikipedia and others say that Chandler
was the name of his mother’s uncle (reference Brasch, Walter
(2000). The Cornfield Journalist. Mercer University
Press. ISBN0-86554-696-7.)His Chandler
ancestry is quite complicated. Lineage in CFALD (probable):
Chandler b 1600 ENG Robert Chandler b c 1629 VA Robert Chandler b
1654 VA Joell Chandler b 1683 VA David Chandler b abt 1728 VA
Tabitha S. Chandler Turman b abt 1770 VA Ann Mary Turman Harris b 1790
Mary Ann Harris b 1816 Joel Chandler Harris b 1845
Elizabeth Chandler Banks and Thomas Banks are ancestors. I am looking for
documentation of the five previous generations where I still have many holes.
Timothy Chandler’s will documents his approximate death date, his marriage to
“Justine,” and the existence of his daughter “Betty
Banks” — I believe that Betty Banks is “Sarah Elizabeth ‘Betty’
Chandler” (Banks), but I have no documentation. I would like to apply
for membership in the Jamestowne Society on the basis of this lineage, so every
generation must be proven. I thought Betty Chandler (Banks) died in 1749 and
so wouldn’t have been mentioned in a 1757/58 will.
Panel provided CFALD reports for ancestry and descendants of
Elizabeth Chandler Banks. Also informed inquirer about problems qualifying
for Jamestowne Society based on John Chandler. (There is no traditional paper
evidence of John’s relationship to his sons.) Later sent information from
Banks Family Association website indicating that Thomas Chandler married two
daughters of Timothy Chandler – first Sarah and, after her death, Elizabeth. Lineage: John
Chandler b 1600 ENG Robert Chandler b c 1629 VA Robert Chandler b
1654 VA Timothy Chandler b 1685 VA Elizabeth “Betty” Chandler b 1731 m.
Thomas Banks
Chandler b 1829 may be my g-g-grandfather. My birth name was Chandler but my name was changed due to
adoption. A few weeks ago someone got me to re-subscribe to Ancestry.com. Of
course I am using the research of many others, so I know there may be flaws.
However, if it is correct then I am all the way back to my 22nd g-grandfather.
Chandler (1829 – 8 Jul 1862)
Person, NC Daniel Weldon Chandler (Sep 1958 – Jun 1923) MS> Thomas
Chandler (14 Jan 1987
– 14 Jan 1939) Shelbyville, TX
Weldon Chandler born 1829 is in CFALD
as a descendant of John Chandler born 1600. Only one child, Joseph Stephen
born 1860, is listed for Weldon, but tThat does not mean there were no other
children. The information in CFALD fits with the 1860 census record from
Fayette, Jefferson County,
MS, which shows several
children, including a J.S. less than one year old and a D.W. aged 2. A CFALD
report and a number of online links were provided. DNA testing was suggested.
wanted to know the correct Chandler Coat of Arms so he can get a tattoo of
Inquirer was told that there is no one Chandler COA and they are generally not inheritable. Found
inquirer’s grandfather in CFALD and sent him that ancestry, plus a newsletter
that includes an article about his family.
Marshall Chandler was born October
6, 1911, in Opp,
AL. He died February 5, 1962, in Lakeland, FL
and is buried at Skyway
Memorial Garden,
Manatee County, FL. He was inquirer’s father. Her mother
was Erin L. Hodges, born July 12, 1917, place unknown; died January 18, 2000,
buried at Lawnwood Memorial Park, Covington, Newton County, GA. Erin &
Pascal divorced, date unknown. Erin
remarried to Armando Dinucci. Pascal Marshall Chandler’s father was Mackey
Chandler, possibly born in or near Opp, AL. Birth and death dates, places are
unknown. Mother was Flora Cotton, birth and death dates, places: unknown.
This family was found on the 1900 and 1920 census. 1900 census
has them in Skipperville,
AL, and gives Mackey Chandler’s
parents as John (a farmer) and Mary Ann, born
AL November
1846 and October 1858 respectively. An Ancestry family tree has John Jason
Chandler born November 1846 in Barbour Co, AL; died 31 March 1913 in Dale Co,
AL. He married Mary Ann Singleton. John Jason is shown as the son of Nelson
Chandler 1810-1880 and Permelia Cleghorn 1825-1880, though no earlier
ancestry of Nelson is shown. Waiting on response from inquirer.
Hutson Chandler b 1820 KY or IL, d 1861 TN, g-g-grandfather, is earliest
documented ancestor. He m Mary Elizabeth Blount Aug. 1839, Hardeman Co TN. William
Hutson Chandler is shown in family trees on ancestry.com as a son of Uriah
Chandler. G-grandfather James Benjamin Chandler (1853-1919) m Sarah Jane
Have you seen Annamae Barber
Chandler’s 449 page book “Discovering Chandler Lines 1475-1996 in TN
Death Records 1908-1944”? In that book, Annamae writes “James B.
and Sarah J. Chandler lived at Whiteville in Hardeman Co., TN, after the
Civil War until 1925. A biographical sketch suggests that James was one of
ten children, but they were not found, nor was their prior line who came via
VA to NC, into Hardin, McNairy and Hardeman Co., TN.” Her footnote for
that biographical sketch reads “Hardeman Co. TN Historical Sketches
(Bolivar TN: HCHist.Com., 1979) p98.” Annamae’s book does not therefore
identify the antecedents of James B or clarify what the B stands for. He is
James E in the 1860 AR Census and just James in 1850, and the TN State
marriage index only has him as James B (James Ben Chandler in that index is
the 1897 marriage to Tillie Sanders.) It seems clear that his father’s name was
William H and that this was William Hutson who married Mary Elizabeth Blount
in August 1839. Annamae has James Hudson Chandler for the boy born 1876 and
died 1886. We can’t provide any evidence about the parentage of William H. DNA
testing was suggested.
Chandler was born 14 Jul
1821 in Grainger
TN and died 17 Aug 1868 in Lewisville, Blount TN.
He was married to Amie Ann Sellers on 27 Nov 1843. They had a daughter named
Cynthia Ellen Chandler who married Austin Abraham Fox. Their daughter Bertha
O Fox married Joseph Adam Alexander Swatzell who had my grandmother Naomi
Elizabeth Swatzell. Do you have anything about Joseph Chandler and who his
parents could be?
The line which includes Joseph Thomas Chandler born Grainger Co,
TN, in 1821 has been rather fraught. It was originally included in the
descendants of immigrant John Chandler born in England in 1600. However, one
descendant had a DNA test matched
genetic family #8, not #7A as expected. Joseph
Thomas has been thought to be the son of Thomas Chandler b 1796, which may
still be true, and the grandson of Daniel born 1765 which is almost certainly
not true. CFALD reports and explanations were provided. Inquirer was put
in touch with another member of Group 8 in hope of collaboration.
Chandler, b 12 Jul 1801,
is my 3rd great grandmother. Our family research makes Henry and Abigail
(Hutchins) Chandler,
Adaline’s parents. The line then goes up to Benjamin and Hannah (Dutton) Chandler, William, Jr.
and Susanna (Burge) Chandler,
William and Eleanor (Phelps) Chandler,
to Thomas and Hannah (Brewer) Chandler.
I am dubious of the way a Benjamin Chandler was casually assigned a son
somewhere above this linage and am wondering if your DNA has confirmed my
above linage.
from Group 9 Consultant: “I have checked out the lineage as far as Benjamin
born 1718 in Billerica,
and it seems solid to that point. Unfortunately, I didn’t pursue his line any
further. Since I am particularly involved in the DNA study, you can guess the
next bit of news – no descendant of Benjamin has come forward to participate
in the project. More precisely, no project participant has claimed descent
from Benjamin. (We do have a couple of Group 9 members whose lineages are not
“From my own experience, I can tell you
that I had some qualms about the connection made by the Chandler book between my 3ggf John
Chandler, whose adult life was spent in Princeton,
MA, and a John Chandler born in
Andover (the
epicenter of two branches of our Chandlers).
When I took the DNA test, I was prepared to be “surprised” with a
non-match against known descendants of William and Annis. The fact that I do
match is a plus for the book. (DNA can only disprove a lineage, never
positively prove one to be true.)”
“As I
mentioned, I have checked as far as Benjamin #155. There is no doubt that
William #44 had a son Benjamin born in 1718 in Billerica, before he moved his family to
Westford. Benjamin was entered again in the birth records of Westford as just
“1718” without the month and day. Also, Benjamin’s marriage to
Hannah Dutton is found in the Westford VRs (1743), but he clearly moved away
soon after, since there is no further mention of Benjamin or Hannah in
Westford. The fact that a Benjamin and Hannah showed up in Petershamthe next
year (or at least a Benjamin, who eventually had a wife named Hannah who died
there in 1777), coupled with the fact that Benjamin’s gravestone in Petersham
says he was born c1718, strongly suggests that he’s the same one born in
Billerica. I think the book is erring on the side of caution here.”
Henry Chandler b 6/30/1911
Heavener, Oklahoma;
d 7/30/1989 Gilroy, CA.
Morris Chandler b 1887 Waldron, Scott,
AR; d 1918 Heavener, OK;
married Elizabeth “Lizzie” McClain. (It’s worth noting that Morris only
appears on their marriage certificate and one other for the Dedmon family at
age 21, working as a ranch hand. We cannot find him on any family census
records at all.)
Bayless Earl Chandler b 1851 Arkansas;
d around 1933; married Matilda Catherine Brasher
Joseph Chandler b 1801 – South Carolina; d unknown (As of the 1860 Census he
was living in Mountain, Scott, AR, with no wife and five children: John and
Lucinda, both born MS, and Hannah, Bayliss and Sarah, all born AR.)
Panel discussed census
records from Arkansas in 1860, 1870 and 1880 and land records on the
Brashers/Brashiers family of Scott County, AR. Panel reported on Confederate
pension records; an online e-book, “History of Scott County, Arkansas;” and
Brasher burials from Find-A-Grave. Online records show the following were
residents of Greenville County,
SC, as early as the late
1700s/early 1800s: Baylis Earle, Aquilla Brasher and Hiram Brasher. Several Chandler families were
also residents of Greenville County,
SC, during this same time.
Census records from Greenville,
SC, in 1790, 1800, 1820, 1830
and 1840 were reported, with numerous Chandlers
and Brashers included. Links were provided to SC government websites with
research possibilities for land documents and probate records. None of the
above is conclusive proof that inquirer’s Chandlers and Brashers were directly
related to those of Greenville,
SC. Nor is it conclusive proof
that either family was related to the Earles of that place. The existence of
some of the same family names (Baylis Earle, Aquilla Brasher, Hiram Brasher)
in both places does warrant further research of that possibility.
recently took a DNA test and is
confused on how to find and read the results.
We were expecting your DNA
to match the many descendants of John Chandler born England in
1600 whose DNA has been tested. Instead,
your DNA matches a small group
which we call #34. There are six participants in this group, but two of them
are brothers, who one would usually expect to have matching DNA, so they really only count as one. All of
them believed themselves to be descendants of 1600 John via Joel Chandler
born 1740. Three of them, including you, claim descent from Joel’s son John B
Chandler born 1775. The other two, from John B’s older brother Robert born
1773. We have other descendants of Joel born 1740 who do test match to Group
#7A, so it seems that your John B (and his brother Robert) were the sons of
someone else, possibly a different Joel. You know that we already have two VA
Joels in the first half of the 18th Century – the one mentioned above, born
1740 son of Joell, and the other born 1726 son of Joseph. So perhaps there
was a third Joel? Panel and other researchers provided advice, thoughts and
alternate theories on the reasons behind the DNA mis-match.
Victoria Ann Chandler (also known as Eva Carrington) and her sister Gladys
Winifred Chandler. Evelyn married Jack Southwell Russell 25th Baron de
Clifford, then Arthur Roy Stack, then later George Vernon Tate. Her sister
Gladys was married to Christopher Humprey Tancred.
have these two sisters in our records. The birth of Evelyn Chandler Victoria
A Chandler was registered at Lambeth in Q2 1887 and her marriage to Lord Jack
S R de Clifford was registered at Pancras in Q1 1906. The birth of her sister
Gladys Winifred Chandler was registered in Westminster in Q4 1889 and her marriage to
Christopher H Tancred was registered at Paddington in Q1 1915. This Chandler family became
known as Carrington. Their father, a Messenger and Hall Porter, who later
called himself Walter Robert Carrington, was born Walter Robert Chandler in
Q4 1853 and registered at St George Hanover Square, and his marriage as a
Chandler to Louisa Brown was registered at Westminster in Q2 1885. It is
believed that Walter was born in Q4 1853, birth registered at St George
Hanover Square, and that he was the son of Lodging House Keeper Robert F
Chandler (born Bradenham, Norfolk, about 1823) and his wife Ann born Dunmow
Essex (of Dunmow flitch fame) about 1819. Robert was married as Robert Forty (probably
Forby) Chandler
in Q2 1845 registered at St James’ in Westminster
to either Ann Norris or Ann Saywell. Widower Robert Forby Chandler married
widow Sarah Blake nee Quest at St
George Hanover Square on 6 October 1883. As well as son Walter
Robert, Robert F and Ann had a daughter named Louisa Ellenor born in Q4 1857
who became a music teacher. The new FamilySearch system has the christening
of Robert Forby Chandler, son of Robert and Ellen Chandler, on 16 December 1822 at West Bradenham. We were unable to get to the bottom of
why Walter Robert abandoned the surname Chandler
and adopted the name Carrington, but surmise that he had a rather
“nobby” job and thought that Carrington sounded more aristocratic
than Chandler.
There is a short bio of Eva Carrington at
Thomas Llewellyn, born March
11, 1886, either Maryland
or Pennsylvania,
was the son of Louis (aka Lewis) Llewellyn and Emma Virginia Chandler. I know
Chandler is a
family name, as it is all over my baby book’s family tree. But my mother—an
only child, who was 16 when her father died—does not have much information
about her relatives. When she was growing up she lived with an aunt, Mary
Llewellyn. The site my sister found–Rowley and Langrell Family Charts–does
not list Mary as a child of Louis and Emma, but it does list Chandler (born
October 1875) and Lewis (March 1886) as children.
information from inquirer: My mother’s parents were Lewis Thomas Llewellyn
and Emily Buehler Llewellyn. (I know my grandfather was married before he
married my grandmother, but all I know about his first wife is that her first
name was Bertha and that she died, perhaps in childbirth. I don’t even know
if the child survived.) Lewis’s parents were Reverend Lewis Llewellyn and
Emma Chandler Llewellyn. Emma’s parents were Reverend Hartwell Chandler and
Martha Hendren Chandler. Downing Hendren (my mother records him as my
great-great-great-great grandfather) was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army.
His son, Jeremiah, was a major in the Confederate Army. Hartwell Chandler
preached for two years in Norfolk
during the Civil War (Baptist). I think Aunt Mary that lived with my mother
and her parents was my grandfather’s sister, or Mary Llewellyn. It might have
been Mary Chandler, but if she was born in 1840 she would have been pretty
old by the time my mother was a child.
Llewellyn – with two sets of double Ls – is Welsh in origin. The
first Ll— is pronounced like Thl so the Welsh say it as Thlewellyn. Because
of their ages, it is vital to find Anne’s grandparents in the 1900 US Census.
This proved difficult. I finally found them recorded, with scrawled
handwriting, as Luellen living in Winfield, Butler Co, PA. Louis was born in
April 1845 in England,
of English parents. His occupation appears to be “Reverant”, so
presumably a minister. 1869 was his year of immigration, and he is recorded
as having been in the US
40 years. That could mean that he was in the US for 10 years before he was
naturalized, or that the census enumerator’s arithmetic was as bad as his
spelling and handwriting. Emma was born in MD in May 1842 of Virginian
parents, and she and Louis had been married for 27 years, having 6 children
of whom 3 were alive in 1900. The three children were Chandler “Luellen” aged 24, Mary
20 and Louis 14, all born in Maryland.
Also present was Mary Chandler, the aunt to whom Anne referred, sister-in-law
of Louis, aged 60 so born 1840 in VA of Virginian parents. Aunt Mary was
apparently divorced. The closest match to Louis born England in
April 1845 is Lewis Llewellyn whose birth was registered at Merthyr
Tydfil (which is in Wales, not England) in
the first quarter of 1846. With regard to Louis’ wife Emma, there are 3
possible Emma Chandlers born in Maryland
around 1842, but the only one with Virginian parents was the daughter of Rev
H J Chandler, a Baptist clergyman born VA in 1816 and his wife Martha A G
Chandler born VA in 1822.
Conclusion: Aunt Mary in the 1900 Census living with the
“Luellen” family in Winfield, Butler Co, PA was definitely surnamed
Chandler. Bertha,
who your grandfather married first, was Bertha Margaret Price (another Welsh
name) born 19 February
1890 in Herdland, Clay Co, IA. Per the 1920 Census of Polk
County, IA their children were Floyd born 1917 and Marvin born 1918, both in
IA. Bertha’s parents were James (sometimes shown as John H) Price, a farmer
born 1855 in Wales,
and Annie formerly Evans (yet another Welsh name) born 1858 in Wales. Bertha’s
siblings were Osker (Oscar?) born 1878, Nellie (1882), David (1883), Marnie?
(1886) and Winnie (1888). Per the 1940 Census of Saginaw, Saginaw Co, Michigan, your mother was born in Michigan. Your
grandfather Lewis Thomas Llewellyn was born in Pennsylvania in 1886 and naturalized in November
1892, and your grandmother Emily was born in PA in 1892. The H J Chandler
found in the 1850 Census seems to be Hartwell Jefferson Chandler, about whom
there was a CFA query by Mary Llewellyn in 2008. This Mary Llewellyn (of CT)
also posted an inquiry about HJC on the Chandler
message board at Ancestry. A response she received indicated that Joel was
Hartwell’s brother. We have Frederick
and Isabel (Seamster), referenced in the 2008 query, in the CFA Lineages
Database (CFALD). Their children include Hartwell and Joel. I have some
database corrections to make in the case of this family. However, it does
appear that Hartwell’s family descends from John Chandler born in England in
1600 who migrated to VA in 1610, genetic family 7A. Mary Llewellyn also appears
to be the owner of the Llewellyn and Chapman family tree at Ancestry.com
which contains a comprehensive entry about Hartwell and his career. We
recommend that you get in touch with Mary Llewellyn. We have two other
members who may have information about the Chandlers in this family. We found some
information about Rev. H.J. Chandler of Bedford Street
Baptist Church
in Cumberland, MD, in a book at Ancestry.com: Scharf,
Thomas J., “History of Western Maryland, Vol. II.” In the section
on Allegany County, MD, Religious Denominations, Baptist Church, pp.
1416-1417 it says that he was a missionary (doesn’t say where from) who
arrived in the city of Cumberland in 1871 and revived the ailing church which
had all but disbanded. He was also a co-organizer of the Ebenezer Baptist
Church in Cumberland in 1875 but never
served as a pastor there. He was pastor of Bedford Street from 1871 until 1880
when he was succeeded by the Rev. E. B. Watts.
Chandler born 1808 was the daughter of Richard b c 1772 and Mary Bamford b
1797 of Huncote, Leicestershire,
We have Richard Chandler (born 3 January 1775 at Thurlaston,
died about 1834 at Narborough) who married Mary Bamford at Narborough on 20 February 1797, as the
son of Edward Chandler and Latitia Strong. These are members of genetic Chandler family #8. This
family has been traced back to 1590 in Leicestershire and has a thriving
branch in America.
We have the same children for Richard and Mary as you do, including your
g-g-g-grandmother Catherine, though we didn’t know there was a second
daughter Mary.
Chandler, born 11 Jun 1803
in London, England, married Charles Berjew
Fooks on 12 Oct 1828.
They emigrated to New
Zealand, arriving on 7 Feb 1852 on the William Hyde. She was buried in Timaru Cemetery, New Zealand, on 3 Oct 1879. One of her
children, Louisa Ann Fooks, had a child called Susan Lempriere Moore who
married Arthur John Fisher. I understand that Ann’s parents were an Edward
and Ann Chandler, and she had 3 siblings:
· Sophia Chandler (born 1805, died in 1877 in Christchurch New Zealand)
· Louisa Chandler (born 1809, died in 1901 in Christchurch New Zealand)
· Elizabeth Mary Chandler (born 28 Jul 1814 in London
died 1848) She had married Joseph Brittan, who subsequently married Sophia at
Gretna Green in 1851 after Elizabeth Mary’s
responded: “The majority of information I got was from the Fooks side of the
family, mainly through a number of online NZ sites such as electoral rolls,
Online BDM records, from early NZ newspapers, and cemetery records. Whilst I
don’t have definitive proof that Ann was a sister of Sophie, they did come
out on the same ship to New
Zealand . . . .”
Gretna Green is famous in
English history as the place just over the Scottish border where couples
would elope to marry under Scottish law, which was more easy-going than the
established Church of England.
The reason for elopement in this case turned out to be that the marriage
would have been proscribed by the Church of England at that time, because
Sophia was the sister of her would-be husband’s deceased wife, and that was
not allowed in England
between 1560 and 1907.How sure are
you that your Ann Chandler was from the same family as the Chandler ladies who married Joseph Brittan?
Chandler, b 25 APR 1768 in Granville,
NC, was the daughter of Joseph
Chandler, b 1739 in Goochland,
Inquirer’s information about
his Susannah did not match CFALD. Several CFALD reports were provided. His
Susannah is possibly Susannah born 1769 in Pittsylvania Co., VA, daughter of
Timothy Chandler b abt 1728 Henrico Co., VA, and Mehitable Jane Terrell b
Arden Chandler, Jr. born 27 June 1926, Johnston
County, NC, was the
son of Theodric Arden Chandler, born 1903 NC.
family belongs to Genetic Chandler Family Group 7A. Lineage: John Chandler b
1600 ENG Robert Chandler b abt 1629 VA Robert Chandler b abt 1654
VA Joell Chandler b 1683 VA Joel Chandler b 1740 VA Matthew
Chandler b 1782 John Young Chandler b 1811 Theoderick “Dock” Chandler b 1849 Walter
Chandler b 1871
S. Chandler, born 01 July
1829 in Jamestown,
Chautauqua, NY, was the daughter of Woodley Williamson
Chandler, born 14 Feb 1800
near Petersburg,
Amelia County, VA. (Inquirer later sent more information which included
Martin Chandler b 1754 who married Sarah Old.)
responded: “I finally tracked down the CORRECT Nancy Fairbank who married
Robert Edward Hanifin. It is NOT Emily Nancy Fairbank, daughter of Woodley
Williamson Chandler. She was the daughter of Harvey Nathan Fairbank. So there
is NOT a Chandler
link . . . .”
found Martin Chandler and Sarah Old in the CFA Lineages Database (CFALD). CFALD
reports were sent which connect inquirer to Chandler DNA Project Group 4.A link to the Group 4 story on the website was
also provided.
Additional research by
inquirer revealed no Chandler
connection after all.
Chandler born about 1796 in Herne,
England – who
were his parents?
We have Thomas Chandler
christened at Herne, Kent on 11 October 1795, son of Richard and
Sarah Chandler. We also have a John Chandler christening on 8 April 1798 at Chislet,
near Herne Common, with the same parents. Unfortunately we don’t know any
more about Richard and Sarah, but at least you now know the names of Thomas’
parents and the date of his christening. The birthplace of his wife Frances
was Doddington. The “unknown spouse” of Stephen Pilcher in Q4 1853
was the lady you mentioned, Margaret Parish. The marriage of Herbert Pilcher
Chandler to Bessie Willis was registered at Basingstoke
in the 2nd quarter of 1893. The birth of Frederick (note spelling) William Chandler
was registered at Headington in the 3rd quarter of 1899. The lady Alfred
Chandler married at Iffley on 8
September 1932 was Violet Josephine May Clarke. Re James William
Lowe, the town in County
Durham is spelt Bishop
Auckland.. . . although I have
searched the records of the area thoroughly, I cannot trace the marriage of
Richard and Sarah about 1790, nor can I see a suitable Richard christening in
the area.
Chandler married John Cork(e) in West Bradenham,
Norfolk, England, on 3/10/1704. Do you have any details
of this ancestor?
best bet for the Anne Chandler who married John Cork(e) in West
Bradenham, Norfolk
on 3 October 1704
is the Anne Chaundler, daughter of Francis Chaundler, christened about 12
miles away in Oxborough, Norfolk
on 4 December 1690.
By current standards, Anne would have been young to marry in 1704. However,
the minimum age for marriage at that time was 14 for males and 12 for females.
Marriages at younger ages than that were not uncommon.
Chandler (1819-1881) married Hannah Tack 11 Oct 1842 Papworth St. Agnes, Cambridgeshire, England. On that record he gave his
father’s name as John Chandler. Cousins tell me that his father is really
William Chandler who married Ann Dickenson 12 Oct 1808 in Godmanchester,
Hunts, England.
There was a similar enquiry in 1992, in which the enqirer
believed that her ancestor Elizabeth Chandler born 1808/9 was the daughter of
William and Ann christened at Godmanchester on 25 December 1809. However, at her marriage in
1855, Elizabeth
stated her father as John Chandler. Record availability has improved in the
last 20 years, but still not sufficient to provide a definitive answer. Inquirer
was urged to not be discouraged since she has hard evidence of her claim,
apparently contributed by the man in question (although we must recognize
that mistakes can be made).
Venancia Chandler was born in Entre Rios, Argentine, on April 1st 1903. Her brother Manuel
Chandler was one year younger. Manuel died more than 35 years ago, and Elvira
died in 1997. Their mother’s name was Ana Diaz. The story Elvira Venancia
Chandler (my grandmother) told all her descendants was that her mother Ana
Diaz met a ship captain who was American (US born) named Chandler. He visited her in Entre Rios city
at her home every time he went to the Argentine and they had the two
children. When the kids were 2 and 1 years old, he said he would go back soon
from United States
to marry her and take her and the kids to his country. He never contacted her
responded: “Unfortunately, there is no much more information. The only thing
I can add is that my grandmother and her brother were born in Concepcion del
Uruguay in Entre Rios province, Argentine.”
Panel wrote asking for any additional information.
Two follow up messages asking about male Chandler descendants suitable for DNA testing went unanswered.
I pass
this information from England
as it may be of assistance to your researchers I believe my ancestors and I
belong in your DNA 18 group, I descend through the Chandler line as follows:
· My Father was Robert Arthur Halsall born 1914 Southport Lancashire England, died
· His Mother was Dorothy Ethel Chandler born out of wedlock (I think)
1893 Headley Hampshire England,
died 1973. She married Robert Halsall born 1887 Southport Lancashire England, who
died 1918 France.
· Her Mother was Edith Chandler born 1875 Headley Hampshire England.
· Her Father was Benjamin Chandler born 1847 Headley Hampshire England.
· His Father was Eli Chandler 1804 born 1804 Frensham Surrey England, died
· His Father was Benjamin Chandler born 1763 Headley Hampshire England.
· His Father may have been Henry Chandler born Surrey
I would
be delighted to forward the full information including side relationships as
will have read on our website that we have six Chandler DNA project participants whose test results place
them in Group 18.In fact, we have
just had another whose initial results indicate that he will also be part of
that group. As you have given permission, we plan to send your information to
all the group members.We would like
to take you up on your kind offer of seeing the full information in your family
*”New” in “Mbr” column means the inquirer joined about the same time as the query was submitted to the GP or as a result of the GP’s effort