Membership Form
Name _____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
City _________________________________ State _____ Zip _________________
Telephone _______________________ E-mail ______________________________
_____ YES, please send my CFA Newsletter to the e-mail address above.
_____ NO, do not e-mail my CFA Newsletter; send it by postal mail.
___ New Memberships @ $20.00* | Additional Contribution $_______ |
___ Renewal Memberships @ $20.00* | Total Enclosed $_____________ |
Please make check or money order payable to: Chandler Family Association
Mail form to:
Helen Chandler 8965 Bristol Oaks Ln Apt 103 |
Questions about membership?
Contact Helen Chandler Telephone: 901-355-5614 |
September 1 of each year is renewal time for membership in The Chandler Family Association. The annual membership fee is $20 for the first and each succeeding year. This fee goes toward postage, preparation and printing of our newsletter, and annual meeting correspondence and costs. Additional contributions are encouraged and welcomed; these contributions help to support our continuing professional research projects.
*If paying membership fee for more than one person, please list the additional members and their information below or on the back of this page.
Who is your earliest known documented Chandler ancestor? (If possible, include date and place of birth, marriage and death, and name of spouse.)
How did you hear about the CFA?
From ___ a relative / ___ publicity / ___ internet search / ___ other (please specify below)